father漂亮的 boy她的
family 朋友his还是
big父亲handsome 男孩。
1. welcome to my __
a. family b. father c. sister
___meet you .
a. two b. to c. too
his namename is bill.
a. his b. he c. she
___my mother.
a. are b. is c. am
there is a monster!
a. help b. hungry c. happy.
does __look like?
a. his
is tall and __
c. father
h**e a __she is a girl.
is a man. he is __
1.( 当你向对方道歉时,你应该说“__
a. i’m sorry. b. thank you
2.( 当你想知道她是谁时,你应该问“__
a. who is he? b. who is she?
3.( 当你想知道他长什么样时,你应该说“__
does he look like? b. what does she look like?
4.( 当你想知道他的名字时,你应该说“__
a. what’s his name? b. what’s her name?
) b. tall c. bird
) b. she c. his
) c. monkey
) b. classmate c. my
1.(姐姐)she / he is my sister.
2. (外祖父) this is my father / grandfather.
3. (男孩) i h**e a friend. he is a boy / girl.
4. (大象) it is tall / short and big.
5. (蝴蝶) it is pretty / ugly.
2011年二年级第一学期期中试试卷。一 听力 12分 1.听读音,把听到的词语写在田字格里。10分 6 2 二 积累 40分 2.抄写句子,要求书写端正 匀称 美观。6分 吃水不忘挖井人,时刻想念 3 给下面带点的字选择正确的读音,用 画出来。6分 爱好 h o h o 为 w i w i 了没 m...
一 我能把字写漂亮。6分 摇焰算登望展。二 想一想,填一填。6分 a be fi k l m or s u x z 三 看拼音,写词语。12分 y j y n ji sh n zh u zhu zh xi o ch l n j n n z n j ch n r n y p n xu n l o sh...
2014 2015学年第一学期二年级语文期中检测试题。出题人 史玉婷 60分 一 拼写下面词语,字要工整 规范哟!10分 z u li d n ch n sh ch n b l n f n f y n jin xi n y n b x xi o mi 二 多读几遍,在正确的读音下面画上 线。4分 1...