
发布 2020-11-09 18:53:28 阅读 6031






( )is my friend. is my friend.

) fine,thanks. very well,thanks.

) the book. the window.

) green trees. brown trees.

) do it! sing a song!

、听录音,根据你所听到的问句选择正确的答语。 (10分)

( )it one for me.

) a up.

) to meet you,too!


)hi,wang to meet you.

)jenny,this is wang is my friend.

)hello, to meet you, your f**oyrite colour?


)my f**ourite colour is




b. eara. nose b. face


a. head b. mouth a. body b. leg


a. finger b. foot a. hand b. arm


nose hand head foot eye ear




ab ) good afternoona. nice to meet you, too.

) nice to meet youb. ok.

) let’s go to school. c. nice to meet you.

) this is johnd. good afternoon.

happy halloweene. here it is.

where is your legf. thank you.


) 1) john: good morning ,miss white . miss white

a. hello ,john . b. good morning ,john . c. good afternoon ,john .

) 2) kate: nice to meet you ,tom . tom

a. bye ,tom. b. nice to meet you ,too . c. my name’s tom .

) 3) mike: good afternoon ,

a. nice to meet you ,mike. b .good afternoon , mike .c. good morning ,

) 4) 当你向别人介绍你的朋友mike时,应说。

a. my name’s mike . b see you ,mike . c. this is mike .

) 5) 与别人初次见面,应说。

a. what’s your name ? b. nice to meet you . c. show me your name .


a. good morning. b. good afternoon.


a. this is john. 's go to school. 's play.

) 8) zip想问zoom的耳朵在**,应说:

's your ear? b. where is your ear? c. where is your eye?


)1、good morning! a. good afternoon.

)2、what’s your name? b. nice to meet you ,too.

)3、good afternoon. c. ok!

)4、let’s go to school.. d. good morning!

)5、nice to meet you. it is.

)6、where is your nose? f. my name is chen jie.


my name is li live in h**e a friend,her name is teacher is miss is very kind(和蔼).i love(喜欢)her.

) 1. my name is danny.

) 2. i live in china.

) 3. i h**e a friend,her name is jenny.

) 4. my teacher is miss wang.

) 5. i love my teacher.


分值 100分作答时间 60分钟。一 将下列字母中大小写相对应的,写 t 大小写不对应的打 f 每题2分,共24分 b d f f l l f e g j k k d bh h m m y gx x o q 二 找出不同类的一项,把答案的序号填在括号内。每题2分,共10分 a.green b.yel...


一 听音,选出正确的图形,在其编号下圈圈。10分 abab abab ab二 听录音判断对错,对的打 错的打 20分 三 听录音标号,并把数字填在括号里。10分 四 听录音,选出你听到的词,将其编号写在括号里。10分 1 a ear b eye c nose 2 a face b foot c ha...


2014 2015学年度第一学期三年级第二单元教学质量检测试卷。一 我会拼。xi ng p k o ch ji oju n l sh z zh shb i n ng y nji zh nj ngm sh y ng w ng mi nb ozh y j 二 在对的读音上面打上 散 s ns n 步试卷...