
发布 2020-11-08 13:19:28 阅读 5152





1. cold coat 2. hat hot 3. skirt shirt

4. blond blouse thursday 6. new now

7. boots books 8. pants pens soup 10. shorts short


) 1. a. she’s wearing a pink and purple skirt.

b. she’s wearing a pink and white blouse.

( )whose hat is thisb. whose gloves are these?

( )this housecoat is too big! b. that housecoat is just right.

( )4. a. breakfast is readyb. lunch is ready!

( )5. like your new dress. likes your old pants.


( )s a lamp. is.

)'s monday. the bedroom.

) my book.

) want to play badminton.

、听录音,给短文排序。(10分,每题2分)xk om

)no. they are are my f**ourite colour.

)yes!it’s my birthday present from my mum.

)i like your it new?

)they are nice!

)i like your they new?



1. b__s p ll t



)1. how’s the weather today?

it’s( )wash the clothes sunday.

a. at

)3. -where is jack(杰克。

a. he is in the gym. b. he is playing. c. he is jack.

( )time for breakfast. breakfast is

a. ready b. good c. read

) plays her doll.

c.\ ) colour.

a .mine b. wec . my

)7arenewyes, they are.

a .this b. those c .they

)8whatis itthursday!

a .day b. itc .on

)9xiaohua isred hat.

a .put on b. put c .wearing

) you want to do?


) the day before wednesday.

) the first day of a week.

) the day between thursday and saturday.

) the day after wednesday.

) 5. it’s the last day of a week.

a. tuesday


) is it?

) many apples?

( )s play checkers!

( )you like to play with toys?

( )is teddy bear?

bear is on the bed.

s a computer.


mr brown lives in a nice house in a small town with his wife(妻子) ,mrs brown. from monday to friday he works in an office near his house. he is free on saturdays and sundays.

he has a nice garden beside his house. he likes growing flowers and he often works in the garden on saturdays and sundays. the flowers are very beautiful and mrs brown likes them very much.

she often helps mr brown.

)1. mr brown lives inwith his wife.

a. a city b. a small town c. a big town

)2. he worksdays a week in his office.

a. four b. five c. six

)3. he isn’ton saturdays and sundays.

a. free b. busy c. happy

)4. he likeson saturdays and sundays.

a. working in his garden b. walking in his gardon

)5. mrs brownthe flowers.

a. likes b. doesn’t like c. often help



10. clerk


1. this is china’s flag.

2. this is australia’s flag.

3. this is the flag of the

4. this is the flag of the

5. this is canada’s flag.


1. jenny’s hair is blond..

2. bob’s eyes are blue.

3. my father’s father is seventy-six years old.

4. niagara falls are famous.

5. the capital city of australia is canberra.

6. east points right.

7. this is the palace museum in beijing.

8. we speak chinese.


your mother a waitress?


2011 2012第一学期期中试题。五年级数学。时间 80分钟满分 100分 题号得分。一。二。三。四。五。六。总分。一 动动脑,动动手,我会填。20分,每空1分 28 3的积有 位小数 0.16 5.4的积有 小数 64 0.245的积有 位小数。2 根据28 15 420,直接写出下列算式的结果...


2013秋学期五年级上册期中试卷。第一部分基础知识 30分 一 我会拼也会写。8分 y u hu f n f k ng j y u j ng g o jib ru du n s li n 二 我能把下列词语补充完整。6分 饥 渴安 无欺 压 大雨大喜不容。三 我会辨字组词。5分 魂 榆 嫌 钓 哀 ...


五年级语文期末试卷 2013.11 亲爱的同学,经过这学期的努力学习,相信收获一定很多,让这份语文期末试卷来检验你的学习成果吧!用你的智慧和细心好好表现吧!祝你旗开得胜,马到成功!5分。认真听老师读两遍短文,回答问题。1 根据短文内容填空。2分 2011年11月3日,神舟八号飞船和天宫一号目标飞行器...