
发布 2020-11-08 02:06:28 阅读 9681




二、写出单词的适当形式(10分)1. there is asport) hall in our school.2.

the computer房间) is in that building.3. what arethis的复数it) are books.

4. how many applesbe) there in the bag? there arefor同音词).5. we h**e aread) room.

6. it isfirst) day of the new term.

7. therebe) a lot of water in the reading room.8.

do you likesing)?9. is thisshe) brother?

10. let’s goskate).三、选择(30分)

1. are theremapsnanjing on the wall?a.

some, inb. any, ofc. a, at2.

wangbing and his parentsin shanghai livingb. livesc. live

3. the students area music inb. atc.

on4. there aren’toranges in the someb. anyc.

an5. therea boy and two girls in the h**eb. isc.

are6. -where is miss li’s office

a. she’s in the the building a7. isbrother at home? yesis

a. you, heb. her, hec. he, his8. theresome orange juice in the fridge.

a. aren’tb. arec. isn’t9. theresome rice in the bag.

a. areb. isc. is10. i canthe violin. i likethe violin.

a. play, playingb. play, playc. playing, playing11. they arean english lesson.

a. h**e12. is your new house big

a. yes, it’s not no,it’ssmallc. yes, i am13. are there any pictures in this book

a. yes, there are someb. no, there isn’tc. there are four14. do you like running

a. yes, there areb. no, i don’tc. i don’t know15. there aren’t any chairs

a. yes, there areb. there are some chairc.

here are some chairs for you四、分别把a, an, some, any放到合适的位置(10分)1. there is __ice cream in the fridge.

2. there aren’tnew words in the blackboard.

3. i’m hungry, there isn’tfood here.

4. there aren’tbiscuits, but there arehamburgers.5.

is therebread in the dining-room?6. are there___storybooks in the bookcase?

7. this isorange and that is __banana. they are so fresh and delicious!

8. look, there areboys in the playground.五、按要求写句子(10分)1.

here’s a pen for you. (改为复数)

here2. there isn’t a watch on the book.. 改为复数)thereon the book.

3. there’s a desk near my bed. (对划线部分进行提问)

4. there are four apples on the table. (对划线部分进行提问)


you like youryes, i like it6.沙发旁边有什么?一个玻璃杯near the sofaa glass.

7.他们是谁?是我的学生们are theymy students.8.那个公园里有许多树和花。

many trees and flowers in the park.9.桌子上有什么?有一些书on the tablesome books.六、改错(10分)

1. he can do a model boat.

2. is there a rubber in your pencil case?--yes, there’s3.

how many boy are there in the music room?4. there aren’t a tape and two pens on the desk.

5. what are in your bedroom?七、阅读理解(10分)

my name is wang ping, i’m ten. i’m a primary school student. i study in no.

3 primary in class 2, grade 5. at school i h**e a good friend. her name is ann.

she’s in a green an american girl. she and i are in the same class. we often play games together.

i go toschool at 7o’clock and go home about 4o’clock in the afternoon. oh,it’s7o’clock now. it’stimeto go to school.

i must go to school wang ping eleven?

is her good friend at school

color is ann’s coat?

time is it now?

it time to go to bed?



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