
发布 2020-11-06 19:11:28 阅读 9872

unit5 do you h**e a soccer ball?




doesn’t play sports, he only w___them on tv.

2. -let’s watch tv. -no. it’s b___

3. math is very d___for me, so i don’t like it.

4. yao ming is a great chinese b___player.

5. -let’s play ping-pong. -that s___good.


___有)some english books.

is an___有趣的)game.

h**e many football __俱乐部)in china.

you h**e a __网球)racket?

10. i h**e five___排球).


11. my brotherh**e) a baseball bat.

12. gina greennot h**e)an id card.

13. can you help __we)?

___play)soccer ball.

15.__your friend __h**e)computer games ?


)16.-does your brother any baseballs ?

yes , he __some .

has b. has, h**e c. h**e, has

)17. -do you h**e any erasers? -no, we___

a. aren’t b. don’t c. doesn’t

) music(**)isi like it .

a. well b. relaxing c. boring

) likes sports very much, _he doesn’t like football .

a. and b. but c. or

) people __tv in the evening .

a. look at b. see

) has __but he doesn’t play __baseball very often .

a. a , the b. /c. a , the

) are five people in a __team .

a. basketball b. baseball c. volleyball

)23.-where are your tennis rackets

a. they are under the bed. b. they are in the pencil case.

c. do you h**e tennis rackets ?

)24.-let’s play computer games .

let’s play soccer. b. no, i don’t. c. that sounds good.

)25.-who is your penfriend?

a. no, it’s my cousin. b. yes, it’s my brother. c. i don’t h**e a penfriend .

( )26.— let’s play table tennis.

it __great.

a. soundsb. soundc. has

) family __to play baseball very much .

a. likeb. like

)28. -h**e a dictionary ?

yes , he __

a. does he, does he, you, does

) has __school things: pens, pencils, erasers and so on .

a. muchb.

) interesting tv play . jim likes watch it __tv .

a. a, onb. an, inc. an, on


a: let’s play computer games .

bwhere’s your computer ?

a: i don’t h**e a computer . do you h**e one ?

bbut i h**e a tv

a: no, it’s boring . let’s play tennis . i h**e a tennis racket .

b: good

a: it’s on the sofa

b: no, i don’t. but i think your brother has a racket .

a: yes, he does. and he has tennis balls..

四。 句型变变变。这些句子要求 “变脸”,你能满足它们吗?(20分)

has lunch at school. (改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答))

jeff lunch at school? no , he

32. they h**e an english class every day.(改为否定句)

theyan english class every day.

a tennis racket.(改为复数句子)


those your books?(改为单数句子)

yourball, a, does, h**e, soccer(?)连词成句)

36.my father doesn’t like playing tennis.(变为肯定句)

has a tennis racket . 对划线部分提问)

alicewatch tv on saturday . 用she作主语来改写句子)

tv on saturday .

五。选词填空。 从方框中选出恰当的词,并用其适当形式填空。(5分)

john is sixty-six. but he looks young. he 39 two children, one is a son and the other___40___a daughter.

he has ten tennis rackets, eight baseball, 6 basketball, 12 soccers and 18 volleyballs. but he never(从不)plays sports. he only 41 collecting things.

his son, neal, likes soccer. he is a number of the city soccer club. he plays soccer every day with his friends.

and his daughter, nancy, likes volleyball. but she 42 it. she 43 it on tv.


unit5 do you h e a soccer ball?第五课时周清试卷。一。单词 化妆会 小小单词就要登台演出了,你能帮助化妆吗?15分 a 根据句意和词首字母提示完成句中所缺的英语单词。doesn t play sports,he only w them on tv.2.let s wat...


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