
发布 2020-10-31 16:49:28 阅读 3337





一、 听录音,选出你所听到的单词或短语。(10分)

)1、a. clown b. clock

)2、a. press b. break

)3、a. cream

)4、a. glass b. grass

)5、a. train b. tree

二、 听录音,用大写字母给下列的图标号。(10分)


)1、 a. b. (2、a. b.

)3、a. b.( 4、a. b.

)5、a. b.

四、 听录音,从右边五个选项中选出正确的答语。(10分)

)1、 bought two boxes of chocolates at the grocery store .

)2、 b. i bought it at the shopping .

)3、 left at the corner ,it’s next to the bank .

)4、 ,i did .

)5、 i got a poor grade yesterday .

五、 听短文,用大写字母给下列的句子标号。(10分)

)i played with my friends .

)what did you do ?

)why are you so tired ?

)because i stayed up late last night .

)i’m tired .


六、 看图,并结合中文意思,完成下列的填空。(10分)

1、the bird is singing轻声地)

2、tony was __because he got a good grade.

3、i’mbecause i stayed up late last night .(累的)

4、where is theit’s next to the shopping . 书店)

5、she is going to buy a loaf of

七、 选择题。(20分)

1are you doing ? i’m reading a book .

a. what b. where

2did it take so long ? because i was walking slowly.

a. why

3they clap loudly last night ? no, they __

b. were/weren’t

4、how much __a can of cola ? four yuan .

5、__did you go yesterday ? i went to the toy store .

a. what b. where

6、__were they so tired ? because they played soccer .

a. how b. what

7、do you h**e __envelopes ? yes , i do .

a. an

8、what __your mother __at the store ?she bought a box of tissues.

a. does/buy b. is/buying

9、the bottle of shampoo is __

a. two dollar dollars dollars

10、my english is __than my chinese teacher.

b. the tallest

)10、does she like dancing

a. no ,he doesn’t . i do . she doesn’t.

)11、my father usually __the subway to work .

a. take b. takes

)12、my sister isbecause she stayed up late last night.

a. scared b. happy

)13、my mom bought a __of cards last weekend .

a. pair

)14、what are they doing? they

a. play b. playing playing

)15、how much __a box of chocolates ?

a. am b. is

八、 连词成句。(10分)

1、are how these socks much (?

2、bought them i the at store toy (.

3、to go the staight light traffic (.

4、they hear did a noise (?

5、at were the you bookstore two o’clock at (?

九、 阅读短文,判断正误,对的写t,错的写f。(10分)

yesterday was saturday ,i went shopping with my family . we went to the shopping mall by bus .first , we went to the bus stop next to the park .

we were waiting for the no.203 bus for twenty minutes .we got to the shopping mall at three thirty in the afternoon .

i bought a box of chocolates and six cartons of milk .my mom bought three pairs of sunglasses ,because we are going to the beach next weekend . my dad bought ten cans of cola .

after that ,we went to the restaurant to h**e dinner .we were very happy .

)1、my family are going to the beach next weekend .

)2、my mother bought a pair of sunglasses .

)3、we were waiting for the bus at the bus stop .

)4、i went shopping last sunday .

)5、i went to the restaurant to buy a box of chocolates .



同学们在春节(spring festival)过得愉快吗?赶快把它记录下来把。(要求五句话以上)


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16 六 1 班种树56棵,五 1 班种树40棵,六 1 班种的棵树是五 1 班的 五 1 班种的棵树是六 1 班的 17 一堆煤平均分7次运完,每次运这堆煤的 5次运这堆煤的 18 小红从学校到图书馆要步行32分,小青从学校到图书馆要步行35分,小红每分步行这段路程的 步行的速度慢一些。19 一台...