
发布 2020-10-28 04:09:28 阅读 1642




) a book a letter a book( )

二。听录音,选出你所听到的句子。(10分)( going to find going to write a report.

( in the reading in the living room.( is playing is playing games.

) birthday is on the first of birthday is on the first of september.( buy a dress for going to buy adress for her.三。



june throw listen card study

1. we’re going to __to interesting stories.2.

we’re going to __and think.3. don’t __waste ***** on the floor.

4. it’son the first of __

5. on the __i’ll write “happy mother’s day”ii笔试部分(60分)

五、独树一帜。(选出不同类的单词) (10分)( b. write c. story

) b. playing c. interesting( )b.

friday c. april( )b. rose c.

short( )b. they c. me六、单项选择。

(20分)( like do b. don’t c. doesn’t

) and girls, do you know how___a kite?a. ****** b. make c. to make

) chen __dongdong to the library is taking b. taking c. take( )4.

__pick flowers in the isn’t b. don’t c. aren’t( )always __sing b.

singing c. sings( )birthday is __may.精品文档】

a. on b. in c. at

) birthday is on the __of five b. fifth c. fifth

) me a nice present on my next will gives b. will give c. give

) english test(测试) next going to h**e b. will h**ing c. is going to h**e( )the ***** on the glue b.

glues c. go glue

七、给问句选择合适的答语。(10分)( your birthhday?

) will you do for your mother?

) time are peter and sandy going to meet?( are you going to do?( mother’s day?

a. at about nine o’clock. b.

i’ll buy a beautiful rose for it’s on the second sunday of may.

d. it’s on the first of october. e.

we’re going to swim.八、用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)1.

he is going to __collect) some pictures .2. can you___write) about animals?

3. i’ll __cook) dinner.4.

i like __do) some research.5. tomorrow is___children)holiday.


精品文档】today is my my tenth am very h**e a birthday party in myhouse. peter,lingling,uncle li ,aunt lin and jessica come to my eat chicken wings(翅膀),a birthday cake,crab (螃蟹)and apple salad(沙拉),it is so great! then we drink some greentea,orange juice and lemon play games,h**e a barbecue(烧烤)and play badminton(羽毛球).

uncle li gives me a present, “oh! it’s a cute doll! ”i love it very much.

( years ) h**e a party in___

park school house( )3.__come to my party.

and lingling( )don’t eat___salad ) li gives me a __


五年级英语期中试卷分析。阳泉曲中心校河北小学 赵金爱手机号 137 一 试卷整体情况分析。一 听力部分 第 题考查学生四会单词的认知能力 第 题考查学生的短语的掌握情况 第 题考查学生语言的实际运用能力。二 笔试部分 第 题,考查学生字母及字母组合的的发音规律 第 题考查学生基本短语的掌握情况 第 ...


英语期中考试小结。期中考试已经结束,通观本次考试试卷,主观题占20分,听力占分40。从试卷难易程度来看及格容易拿高分比较难。但是这次考试成绩很差,及格率极不乐观,这也就也暴露了学生的英语基础不扎实,也没有认真对待考试,我的教学工作也没有做到位。针对此次考试我总结了以下三点 一 听力问题。学生在课堂上...


期中测试题。一 填空。1.通分后变成 表示 个加上 一共是 所以 2.一个长方体长5厘米,宽4厘米,高3厘米,它的棱长总和是 厘米,表面积是 平方厘米,体积是 立方厘米。3.比多的数是 4.一袋大米30千克,用去千克,还剩 千克 用去还剩 千克。5.一堆沙子,第一次用去,第二次用去,还剩这堆沙子的 ...