PEP五年级下册英语测试卷 二

发布 2020-10-27 21:05:28 阅读 2130


pep primary english》 book6 (unit4—unit6)



listening part (听力部分, 40%)

一、listen and choose. 听录音,选出你所听到的选项。(10%)

) 1. a. hersb. theirsc. his

) 2. a. firstb. second c. third

) 3. a. oursb. minec. yours

) 4. a. cooking b. walking c. looking

) 5. a. keep to the right b. talk quietly c. take turns

) 6. a. school begins on september 1st. b. school begins on september 10 th.

) 7. a. we are playing a gameb. they are writing in class.

) the yellow picture is mine. b. the blue picture is his.

) their eyes are open on april 26th. b. the kittens can walk on may 3rd.

) every season brings its joy. b. life has seasons.

二、listen and number. 听录音,根据你所听内容的先后顺序用1-5的序号给下列**标号。(10%)

三、listen and write. 看图听录音,写短语完成句子。(10%)

hello. i am chen jie. this is my day.

1. it’s 6:00 i am

2. it’s 9:00 i am

3. it’s 11:30 i am

4. it’s 4:00 i am

5. it’s 7:30 i am

四、listen and choose. 听录音,选择方框里的单词或短语代号填在相应的横线上。(10%)

a. get up b. friday c. live on d. face e. play sports

my name is robinson. ian island. i alwaysearly every day.

i wash myand then i eat breakfast. sometimes i clean my c**e, too. in the afternoon, iwith my friend.

my friend name is

writing part (笔试部分,60%)

五、read and choose. 选择方框中的汉语与下面的单词配对,将其代号填在相应的括号内。 (10%)

a. 小声讲话 b. 我们的 c. 竹子 d. 他们的 e. (正在) 吃午饭。

f. 按顺序来 g. 她的 h. 第十二 i. 第三十 j. (正在)上英语课。

) twelfthtake turnsthirtieth

) ourstalk quietlyh**ing an english class

) eating lunchhersbambootheirs

六、read and write. 选择方框里的介词填空。(可重复使用)(10%)

in on at

1. we will h**e an english partyfriday.

2. i get up7 o’clock every day.

3. what do you h**etuesdays?

4. we usually h**e school tripautumn.

5. children’s day isjune 1st.

6. my birthday isaugust.

七、read and choose. 在右栏中找出左栏相应的答语。(10%)

) 1. when is april fool’s day? a. yes, they are.

) 2. whose book is thisb. it’s playing with its mother.

) 3. are these all oursc. it’s zhang peng’s.

) 4. where is fido nowd. it’s on april 1st.

) 5. what’s the little monkey doing? e. he’s in the kitchen.

八、read and choose. 看图读句子,根据**内容选出相应的句子,将其代号填入**下的括号内。(10%)

a. no eating!

b. -are these monkeys eating?

no. they are playing with each other.

c. -are the baby birds flying?

no, they are sleeping.

d. -when is the english test?

it’s on nov. 2nd.

e. -whose rulers are these?

they are mine.

九、read and judge. 阅读短文,判断句子正(√ 误(×)10%)

i’m amy. i h**e a new schoolbag. it’s black and white.

it looks like(看起来像) a panda. it’s big. look!

the yellow one is mine, too. it’s too small for me. what’s in my schoolbag?

a pencil-box and some books. the pencil box is mine. but the storybooks are zhang peng’s.

this english book is his, too. lucy and lily are twin sisters. the science book and chinese book are theirs.

)1. amy has a new schoolbag.

)2. there are some cds in amy’s schoolbag.

)3. the science book is amy’s.

)4. lucy and lily are twin sisters.

)5. the science book and chinese book are zhang peng’s.

十、read and write. 读pedro 和wu yifan的对话,仿照例子完成**。(10%)

pedro: hello. nice to meet you. yifan.

wu yifan: hi. nice to meet you, too.

pedro: what’s your plan for the may holiday?

wu yifan: well, on may 1st, i’ll visit my grandparents. on may 2nd, i’ll do homework and read books.

on may 3rd, i’ll go swimming. what about you?

pedro: on may 1st, i’ll go to a nature park with my parents. on may 2nd, i’ll play football.

on may 3rd, i’ll go to the library.

wu yifan: sound good. i can’t wait.

pedro: me too.

PEP五年级下册英语测试卷 三

2017年春季学期小学五年级英语单元自我评价 三 pep primary english book6 unit1 unit6 全卷100分,60分钟完卷 班级姓名分数 listening part 听力部分,40 一 listen and choose.听句子,选出你所听到的选项。10 1.a.wh...


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