
发布 2020-10-27 09:39:28 阅读 6334

五年级期末测试题: 姓名:——


i. 找出下列各组单词中划线部分发音不同的单词,把编号填在括号里。(10分)

1. a. riverb. likec. bridge

2. a. useb. underc. much

3. a. nowb. cowc. snowy

4. a. mealb. cleanc. really

5. a. potatob. tomatoc. path

ii. 选择填空。(本大题共10分,每小题2分)

1your living—room like?

there`s a big closet, two end tables and two desks.

a. who`sb. what`sc. where`s

2. how manydo you h**e?

a. sheepb. sheepsc. sheepes

3. today is tuesday, tomorrow is

a. thursdayb. wednesday c. friday

4. are therehorses on the farm?

a. anybc. some

5there are some pictures over there.

a. readb. watchc. look

6he helpful at home?

a. canb. arec. is

7. i`d like someand eggplant.

a. potatosb. potatoesc. potato

8. letclean the classroom.

a. herb. shec. she`s

9. zoomdo the dishes.

a. canb. cann`tc. can`t

10. howis the pencil—case? twelve yuan.

a. manyb. muchc. old

iii. 根据中文意思提示,用单词的适当形式填空。(本大题共10分,每小题2分)

1. let我们) sweep the floor.

2. miss white is my中文) teacher.

3. they often打) ping—pong on the playground.

4. the blackboard is in前面) of the classroom.

5. don`t看) books on the bed.

iv. 补全对话。(每空填写一个单词,本题共10分)

sarah: whatis it?

john: it`s twelve o`clock.

sarah: wow. it`s timelunch. what would you like?

john: i`d like to h**e some fish and tomatoes. whatyou?

sarah: i like them

johngo to the restaurant.

v. 阅读理解(阅读短文,选出与短文内容相符的选项,把它的编号写在左边的括号里)(每小题2分,共10分)

hello. i am john. today is monday.

i h**e three teachers. they are mr carter, miss green and mrs black. mr carter is a new teacher, he comes from the and he teaches us math.

his class is so funny that we all like him very much. miss green is our art teacher , she is strict but she`s very kind. mrs black is so smart .

they are all nice that we all like them.

1. i h**enew teacher.

a. threeb. twoc. a

2. mr carter is ateacher.

a. englishb. mathc. chinese

3. tomorrow is

a. monday b. tuesday c. wednesday

4is an art teacher.

a. mr carter b. mrs black c. miss green

5is smart.

a. mr carter b. mrs black c. miss green


1、 按实际情况回答:what’s your english like?

2、 用所学句型描述自己周末的活动。

3、 按实际情况回答:can you do housework? what can you do?

4、 按实际情况回答:what’s your f**ourite fruit and drink?

5、 用there be句型简单描述自己的房间。

. mouse can cook the meals.

monkey can do the dishes.

horse can set the table.

sheep can make the bed.

panda can wash the clothes.


my name is jack. i am twelve years old. i study in guang ming primary school.

i like fridays. we h**e music, math and and we h**e pork and cabbage for lunch. my f**ourite food is fish, because it’s healthy.

my f**ourite teacher is miss huang, she’s our art teacher, she’s thin and short. she’s very active. we love her very much.


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