
发布 2020-10-27 00:53:28 阅读 4877




bedbathtubkitchen knifeflowerswardrobe


bathroom:kitchen:living room:


a ) he doing?小学生期中考试( )are my cats?( you got a computer?

( do you do at school?( are you?

) her f**ourite sport?( you like bananas?( your name?

( h**e some chicken.( old are you?b

a. her f**ourite sport is i’m 9 years old.

c. they’re behind the yes, i he’s sleeping.

f. i’m fine. thank you. and you?g. no, no, i h**en’ my name is i read books.

、读短文,判断正( )误( )

i like sports. my f**ourite sport is 7:00 i go to school and play badminton withmy friends.

in the afternoon, i play badminton. in theevening, i watch badminton games on tv. do you likeplaying badminton?

) 1. i don’t like sports.()2. my f**ourite sport is

) 3. i go to school at seven in the morning.()4. i watch tv in the afternoon.

) 5. i play badminton with my friends in themorning.



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