
发布 2020-10-13 09:44:28 阅读 3175



第一部分听力( 50%)

一、 听字母写单词,每小题念三遍。(12分)

二、 听音,选择你所听到的单词的序号,每小题念两遍。(12分)

6.( b. answer

三、 听音排序。(12分)



d四、 听音,选词。(10分)

) is the school library? b: it’s on the___floor.

a. first b. second c. third

) does miss gao live? b: on the___floor.

a. 3rd b. 5th c. 10th

) is your birthday, wang tao? b: my birthday is

a. january 10th b. april 22nd c. july 15th

) is your mother’s birthday? b

a. march 1st b. august 8th c. october 19th

) elephant wanted to jump into the boat, and mr. cat, mr. dog and mr. kangaroo were all___

a. tired b. proud


)1. b. card c.

) telephone b. elephant c. mouth b. math c. fifth


一、 默写26个字母的大小写,并圈出元音字母。(20分)


secondoffice tenthsad

where is your classroom, chen ling?

三、 选择填空。(8分)

)1. when is children’s day

a. may 1st b. june 1st c. august 1st

)2does lingling live?--on the 11th floor.

a. when b. where c. what

) working in the garden. i’m very

a. tired b. proud c. angry

)4. the students are going to go to the zoo, and they are very___

b. sad


e. g 1stfirst7th___seventh

1. 2nd2. 3rd3. 4th___

4. 9th5. 5th6.12th___

五、 根据所给情景,选择正确的句子。(6分)

1. 如果你要询问同学今天是星期几,应该怎么说 ——

time is day is today?

2. 如果你要询问高老师住在**,应该怎么说———

is miss gao’s birthday? b. where does miss gao live?


is your birthday? are you from?


一 写出下列词的读音。冰碴隧道稀薄撕扯脊梁妖娆。二 补充词语。浑黄一碧襟飘 翠色始料严阵 杯水费寝栩栩 三 仿写下列句子。1 车窗外茫茫的大隔壁,没有山,没有水,没有人。2 哪儿需要它,它就在哪儿生根发芽,长出粗壮的枝干。3 羊群走到那里像给无边的绿毯绣上了棉花。四 默写 浪淘沙 浪淘沙。五 修改病...


五年级数学第一单元测试1 班级姓名 一 判别。1 以下哪些是等式?哪些是方程?有几个就填几个,横线不够的自己补足 1 x 56 2 45 x 45 3 0.12m 24 4 12 1.3 15.6 5 x 2.5 11 6 12 a m 7 ab 0 8 8 x 9 6y 0.12 10 12.5 ...


1 直接写得数。6 二 填空 24 1 一桶油重100千克,2桶油重 千克,算式是桶油重 千克,算式是。2 小时 分米 厘米 3 在 女生占全班人数的 这一数学信息中是 一个整体 写出求女生人数的数量关系式是女生人数。4 一根铁丝长米,截去,还剩下 米,若截去米,还剩下米。吨的等于 吨的。7 一段布...