
发布 2020-09-30 12:44:28 阅读 9729

x x小学四年级英语学业水平反馈单。




aacceeggiikk ll

nn oo pprr ssvv wwyy zz


) cake2. rose dog3. cute mum

) rice5. he she6. cat make


)1、 a、 window b、 blackboard c、 black

)2、 a、 fifty b、 finec、 five

)3、 a、 colour b、 chinese book c、 math book

)4 、a、 thin b、 strongc、 long hair

)5、 a、 music b、 nosec、 mouth

)6、 a、 bag b、 pencilc、 we

)7、 a、 computer b、 bigc、 small

)8、 a、 book b、 teacherc、 ruler

)9、 a、 desk b、 chairc、nurse

)10、a、 teacher b、 studentc、 school


)1.how many __do you h**e?

a.pencilb.pencilsc.a pencil

)2.i __a new story-book.


)3.__name is zhang peng.


)4.my uncle __sports.

a.likesb.1ikec.good at

)5.is this __aunt?


)6.listen __music.


)7.—_colour is your book? —it’s yellow.

a.what colour b.what’sc.what

)8.he __strong.


)9.that’s __car.it’s __english car.


)10.—where are thethey’re on the wall.

a. pictures b.picturec.some pictures


( )your fathera. sure, here you are.

( )many books do you h**eb. yes, she is.

( )i h**e a lookc. i h**e 3.

( )would you liked. he is a doctor.

( )she in the studye. i’d like some beef.



a. where is your father? b. what’s your father? c. who’s your father?


a. how many people are there in your family?

b. are there people in your family?

c. do your family h**e people?


a. welcome to my home! b. welcome to my family! c. welcome to my room!


a. you’ re welcome! b. thank you! c. happy new year!


a. let me clean the classroom.

b. let’s clean the classroom.

c. let clean the classroom.


1. your what’s father’s job ?

2. classroomin the what’s

3. would likeyou what

4. study are in the they .

5. books many how you do h**e ?


a. 根据短文选择正确答案,将序号填在题前括号内。

look, this is a photo of my family. i put it on the desk in my bedroom. look!

they are my grandparents. they are not very old. they are farmers.

my mother is a is thin. my father is a is strong. my aunt is a nurse.

she has long hair. my brother and i are good students. this is my sister.

she’s quiet. she’s 10. she’s a good student,too.

she likes english and sports. this is my family. my family is happy.

)1. my father is a doctor.

)2. my grandmother is a farmer.

)3. my grandpa and grandma are very old.

)4. my sister is 10. she’s a good teacher.

)5. my aunt is a teacher.


my name is bill.i’m from the usa.my chinese teacher is wang mei.she is a good teacher.i h**e many friends at school.


班级姓名得分 一分辛苦一分才 通过同学们的刻苦学习,到了该收获好成绩的时候了。开动脑筋,仔细答题,相信自己是最棒的!别忘了展示你漂亮的字!注意写字姿势。卷面分 3分 一 小小书法秀。将下面三个成语正确 规范地写在田字格中。5分 聚精会神学无止境惜时如金。二 字词乐园。22分 1 看拼音写汉字 8分 ...


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