
发布 2020-09-30 10:44:28 阅读 3130

modcan you run fast你能跑得快吗?amy, can you run fast艾米,你能跑得很快吗?yes, i can.是的,我能。

ahhh . i'm the winner(winner ['win]).you can't run fast!


daming, can you jump high大明,你能跳得很高yes, i can是的,我能。

look! i‘m the winner. you can’t jump high.


yes , sam can jump very high!是的,山姆可以跳得很高!can you jump far, sam你能跳得远,山姆yes, i can.

can you?是的,我能。你呢?

no, i can‘t. you’re the winner.不,我不能。你是胜利者。

can you ride fast ?你能骑得快吗?yes, i can.是的,我能.

whoops(whoops [hwups, hwu:ps])!no, i can't哎哟!不,我不能uni

yes, i can.是的,我能.

can you make a cake(cake [keik]),sam你会做蛋糕吗,萨姆。

can you play the flute(flute [flu:t]),amy你会吹长笛,艾米。

can you wash clothes(clothes [kluz]),ling ling玲玲,你能洗衣服?

can you draw a dragon(dragon ['drɡn]),aming你能画出一条龙吗?大明。


we‘re going to go tohainan我们要去海南。

it‘sbedtime(bedtime ['bedtaim]),children.是**睡觉的时候了,孩子们。

we're going to go to hainan tomorrow.我们打算明天去海南。we’re going to go by plane我们打算乘飞机去。

and we‘re going to get up at 5o’clock(clock [klk])我们打算在五点钟起床 your name你好。你叫什么名字i’m sam. i‘m from england.

我是山姆。我来自英国。i'm xiaoyong .

i'm from china我是小勇。我来自中国。

we‘re going to go to going to swim in the sea(sea [si:])我们要去海南。我要去游泳的肖恩。

i'm going to visit my grandpa. and i'm going to swim, too我要去看望我的爷爷。我去游泳了。

i'm going to swim now我去游泳了。

oh no! this is xiao yong's bag(bag [[bɡ]]噢,不!这是小勇的包。

and xiao yong's swimsuit(swimsuit ['swimsju:t])小勇的泳装,un

we‘re going to visit the ming tombs.我们打算去明十三陵。

we're going to visit the ming tombs tomorrow.我们明天打算去明十三陵。hooray [hu'rei]万岁。

look! stone(stone [stun])animals.(animals ['nimlz])看!石头的动物。

lions, camels and elephants.(elephants ['elifnts])狮子、骆驼和大象。

and scary animals,too. what‘s that?也是,可怕的动物。那是什么?

it’s a monster(monster ['mnst]).help(help [help])!这是一个怪物.救命啊!


what are you going to do?你将要做什么呢。

we're going to h**e a sports day我们要有一场运动会。

what are you going to do for sports day你打算做什么,运动会那天?运动会这天你打算做什么?i'm going to run the 100 metres我要去跑完100米。

one hundred(hundred ['hndrd])100

i‘m going to run every day每一天我要去跑。

where are you going, daming你要去**,大明。

i’m going to run in the park我要去公园里奔跑。

goodbye, daming! good luck再见,大明!祝你好运。

thank you! bye-bye.谢谢你!再见。

come on, daming. run! run来吧,大明。快跑!跑。

yes ! i'm the winner! i'm the winner(winner ['win])是的!我是胜利者!我是胜利者。


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