四年级英语第一学期期末测试题 冀教版

发布 2020-09-30 04:28:28 阅读 7334


)1. a mother b. drum c. dog

) eggb. mug c. cage

) pour b. floor c. two

) teab. pea c. neck

) swim c. skate


does make time nap yours put

breakfast these dressed hospital

1. i want tohis body. 2. do you want to take a

3. are these keys4. whatshe like doing?

5. whatdo you go to school? 6. is she going to the

7. is he cooking8the books on the desk, jenny.

9are gogo’s shoulders. time to get

三、 选择题。(10分)

) 1a party on the farm.

has are

) children get up __seven o’clock.

) time

to school to school go to bed

) boys and the girls likeoutside.

) presents for you.

) do you wanttake a nap.

do ) cats __eight legs.

) 8handkerchief is blue.

a. you b. your c. yours

) 9. are these jenny’s swimsuits? no

a. they are b. they are not c. they’re not.

) 10. tony and jenny

a. can sing and dance b. are sing and dance

c. singing and dancing


ab ) 1. where are you goinga. i’m a bus driver.

) 2. what do you like doingb. yes, it’s mine.

) 3. is this money yoursc. i want to be a doctor.

) 4. what do you dod. at 8:00.

) 5. what do you want to doe. i’m going to the beach.

) 6. what time do you h**e breakfast? f. i like ice skating.


1. 你喜欢游泳,跳舞还是阅读?我喜欢阅读。

do you likedancing __reading? i like reading.

2. 这件蓝色的衬衫是谁的?我不知道。

whoseis this? iknow.

3. 现在早上十点钟。 it’sin the morning.

4. 我想去制作他的翅膀。 i want to

5. 我的哥哥是一个办公室工作人员。 my brother is __officer



图1 图2 图3 图4 图5 图6

1、 what do they like doing? they like

2moneythis? it’s gogo’s.

3、 the boy

4、 theyaevery day.

5、 my mother is

6、 he isto the

七、阅读短文,判断对错,对的打“t”,错的打“f”. 5分)

it’s sunday afternoon. tom is at home. he and his friend jack aren’t doing their homework.

look,they are sitting at the table in the kitchen(厨房). there are two glasses of milk(牛奶) and a black cat on the table,too. tom and jack are drinking the milk now.

1. it’s sunday morning.

2. tom is in the park.

3. tom is playing with his friend jack.

4. a cat is on the table.

5. the milk is for the cat.



c )1. a mother b. drum c. dog

c ) eggb. mug c. cage

c ) pour b. floor c. two

c ) teab. pea c. neck

c ) swim c. skate


does make time nap yours put

breakfast these dressed hospital

1. i want to __make___his body.

2. do you want to take a __nap___

3. are these keys __yours

4. what __does___she like doing?

5. what __time___do you go to school?

6. is she going to the __hospital

7. is he cooking___breakfast

8.__put___the books on the desk, jenny.

9.__these___are gogo’s shoulders.

time to get __dressed

四、 选择题。(10分)

b ) 1a party on the farm.

has are

a ) children get up __seven o’clock.


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