
发布 2020-09-29 22:20:28 阅读 4723


命题:测试范围: starter unit 卷面满分:100分


班级: 姓名: **: 得分:



) 1. a. classroom b. library c. gym d. canteen

) 2. a. may b. march c. july d. january

) 3. a. chin b. britain c. american d. canada

) 4. a. friday b. tuesday c. saturday d. thursday

) 5. a. twenty b. forty c. fifteen d. eighteen


) 1. a. is there a library in your school? there a canteen in your school?

c. is there a playground in his school? there a classroom in his school?

) 2. a. where is he from?

b. where are you from? c.

where is she from? d. where do you come from?

) 3. a. i h**e got black hair. b. he has got brown hair.

c. he has got black hair. d. she has got black hair.

) 4. a. it’s five o’clock. b. it’s half past six.

c. it’s seven o’clock. d. it’s half past three.

) 5. a. i go to school at six o’clock.

b. classes begin at eight o’clock. c.

i do my homework at six o’clock. d. i go to bed at eight o’clock.

三、听录音,判断对错。相符的打“√”不符的打“×”每小题念两遍。(10分, 每题2分。)


) 1. a. nice to meet you, too. b i’m fine. c. blue.

) 2. a. yes, it isn’t. b. no, it’s small. c. no, it is.

) 3. a. it’s red. b. yes. c. it’s a board.

) 4. a. yes, there is. b. there’re 4. c. that’s 55p.

) 5. a. yes, i can. b. america. c. school.


一、 选出不同类的一项。(5分,每题1分。)

) 1. a. friday b. march c. sunday d. saturday

) 2. a. on b. under c. behind d. mother

) 3. a. february b. thirteen c. eighty d. fifty

) 4. a. canteen b. classroom c. library d. rabbit

) 5. a. curtains b. floor c. desk d. blue


1. 书包 __2. 教室___3. 蛋糕___4.桌子 __5. 图书馆___6. tree __7. floor __8.


) 1. —where are you from

a. i’m new to the class. b. i’m from china. c. no, i can.

) 2. is your school big?

a. no, it’s small. b. four. c. thank you. .

) 3. what’s your f**orite day? a. a mouse. b. tuesday. c. pink.

) 4. is there a library in your school?

a. yes. there are many books. b. thank you. c.

) 5. h**e you got a school uniform?

a. yes, i h**e. b. good. c. no, i don’t.

) 6. what time is it?

a. it’s five o’clock.

b. pink and green.

c. 90p.

) 7. when is his birthday?

a. in january.

b. one.

c. yes.

) 8. do you like cola?

a. yes, i am.

b. no, i don’t.

c. yes, i don’t.

) 9. what colour is your schoolbag?

a. budgie. b. five. c. white

) 10. how many seasons are there in a year?

a. five. b. six.

c. four.


1. big? your school is

2. from she japan. is

3. in there is a boar picture? the

4. he got hair. has black

5. school. welcome ou to


ab ) 1. what time do you get upa. yes, i h**e.

) 2. can you ride a horseb. yes, i do.

) 3. do you like ice creamc. i get up at six o’clock.

) 4. h**e you got a school uniform? d. britain.

) 5. where are you from? e. no, i can’t.


2分。)八、阅读短文, 判断对错。对的填“t”,错的填“f”。(5分,每题1分。)

my name is alice. i h**e got a cat. it is black and white.

my f**orite skirt is pink. my f**orite day is sunday. my f**orite color is red.

i hate purple. my birthday is in august.

) 1. alice’s cat is black and white. (2. alice’s f**orite colo

r is yellow. (

3. alice’s birthday is in august. (4. alice hates purple.

) 5. alice’s f**orite day is monday.


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