四年级下册期末复习 一

发布 2020-09-29 17:07:28 阅读 5151


笔试部分。一、 think and write. (写出每组单词含有的相同字母。)

1. thirt _ n. fift _ n2. _is _ at

3. sh _ t sk _ t4. comput _ teach _

5. p _ g b _ g6. dre_ _cla _

7. sunn_ snow8. so _ s du _

9. r _ d y _ llow10. rain _ wind _

二、 think and choose. (选出每组中不同类的单词。)

) 1. a. sunny b. garden c. snowy d. cloudy

) 2. a. blue b. yellow c. whited. colour

) 3. a. cool b. slippers c. sandals d. shoes

) 4. a. myb. good c. yourd. his

) 5. a. first b. onec. twod. three

) 6. a. how b. isc. whatd. where

) 7. a. cows b. lambs c. hensd. grapes

) 8. a. heb. shec. itd. the

) 9. a. b. playground c. chinese d. english class

)10. a. pretty b. pantsc. sweater d. t-shirt

三、 read and answer. (找答语。将右栏答语前的序号填在前面的括号内。)

) 1. what time is ita. it’s my skirt.

) 2. how many studentsb. it’s eighty yuan.

) 3. whose skirt is thisc. it’s sunny.

) 4. what’s the weather like in jinan? d. it’s 5:00.

) 5. how much is this skirte. forty-five.

) 6. is this a deskf. great!

) 7. what sizeg. size 6.

) 8. can i help youh. they are 15 yuan.

) 9. let’s go to the playgroundi. yes, it is.

) 10. how much are theyj. yes, i want a bag.

四、 put the words in the right order. (连词组句。)

1. the first it’s on floor

2. to up get time it’s

3. much how are the apples

4. help you i can

5. this an art room is

五、 read and choose. (选择填空。把正确答案的序号写在括号里。)

) 1. it’s 6:00. it’s time __dinner.

a. forb. to

) 2. it’s 7:00. it’s time __go to school.

a. to b. for

) 3. put __your t-shirt.

a. tob. on

) 4. i s this you sweater?

a. yes, it is.

b. no, it is.

) 5. how much __the pants?

a. areb. is

) 6. i want ten __

a. tomatob. potatoes

) 7. where is the canteen?

it’s on the __floor.

a. oneb. first

) 8. whose shirt is this?

it’s __

a. your baby brother’s b. your baby brother

) 9. what’s the weather like __beijing?

a. onb. in

) 10. this is __computer. that is __computer.

a. my, youb. my, your

六、 look and write. (根据提示,在横线上填写单词,完成短文。)

hello, boys and girls! how are you! i’m tom.

i h**e a far. it’s very big. there are many animals on the farm.

_20头) cows, 10 __马), 23___鸭子),45___猪),100___兔子). i like my farm. welcome to my farm.


1. (a. sheep b. cow c. eleven d. horse

2. (a. pants b. onion c. dress

3. (a. tomato b. carrot c. cucumber d. goat

4. (a. library b. music c. math d. chinese

5. (a. rainy b. jeans c. windy d. cloudy


computer ten music blue duck


warm short jacket rabbit pear



1. potato土豆( )新鲜的( )绵羊( )便宜( )白色( )墙壁( )花园( )卫生间( )午餐( )网球鞋( )







a. what are they ?

b. how about this one ?


a. it’s black and white .

b. it’s sunny and warm .


a. what colour is it?

b. what time is it now ?


a. is this a teacher’s desk ?

b. are they ducks ?


a. how many donkeys are there ?

b. how many horses are there ?

四年级下册期末复习 一

四年级下册期末复习资料。笔试部分。一 think and write.写出每组单词含有的相同字母。1.thirt n.fift n2.is at 3.sh t sk t4.comput teach 5.p g b g6.dre cla 7.sunn snow8.so s du 9.r d y llo...


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