
发布 2020-09-29 11:52:28 阅读 1600




一、 听读音,用“√”勾出下列人物喜欢的食物。(10分)



1she is a girl.

2my uncle is a doctor.

3let me show you.

4help yourself.

5i’d like some rice and bread,please.


cfish bowl dfresh

you 笔试部分(60分)


1a. window b. soup c. rice d. bread

2a. thirty b. pencil c. twenty d. fifty

3a. spoon b. water c. plated. fork


) 1can i h**e some rice,pleasea. he’s a doctor.

) 2. what’s your fatherb sure, here you are.

) colour is itc. yes,they’re.

) many books do you

) 5. are they farmerse. it’s blue.


3. _m

9._f 四、选择填空,将答案的字母编号写在括号里。(20分)

)1. -let’s clean the windows.

a. all right. b. thank you. job

)2. look! this __my storybook.

a. is b. are

)3. i h**eenglish book.

a. a b. an

)4. go to thewatch tv.

a. bathroom b. living room

)5. areon the table?

a. my b. they

)6. chinese often(经常) use (使用。

a. fork b. chopsticks

)7. are they on the table?

a. yes, they are. b. yes, it is. isn’t

)8. is it in the box?

a. yes, it is. b. no, they aren’t. is.

)9. hescience.

a. likes b. like c.不填。

)10. -what’s in your schoolbag?

a. some books and a pencil-case.

b. a phone and a sofa.

eggs and chicken





a. i like painting. b. i likes painting. c. my like painting.


a. mike is big eyes and a small nose.

b. mike has big eyes and a small nose.

c. mike has big eyes and a small noses.


a. our new teacher is tall and thin.

b. our teacher is tall and thin.

c. our teacher is tall and strong.


a. mom, i h**e a new friend.

b. mom, i h**e a new friends.

c. mom, i has a new friend.


a. right. b. thank you. c. sure.


a. i h**e a cat. b. i h**e a dog.


a. sure. here you are. b. oh, no!


a. how many peoples are there in your family?

b. how many people are there in your family?


a. merry christmas! b. happy children’s day!


a. this is mike. b. this is for you, mike.


come and see my pictures! this is my __妈妈). she is a**).

she is active. this my __爸爸). he is a医生).

he likes painting. my aunt is a农民).she likes planting flowers.

my uncle is一个司机). he’s good at sports. and i’m a学生).

i like __鸡肉) and鸡蛋) .


人教pep 2005 2006年四年级英语上册期末测试。笔试部分。i.在括号中写出下面各旗所代表的国家 用英 汉语写均可。4 ii.根据 把下列单词补充完整。6 iii.给下列单词分类,将代表单词的标号写在相应的横线上。5 lolly iv.请将i ii两栏中所对应的问句与答语用线连接起来。5 v....


勺窝乡希望小学2015年秋季学期四年级上册英语期末测试卷。姓名班级学号得分。一 默写26个大小写字母。26分 二 写出相隔数词。4分 two four six eight ten 三 根据汉语提示补全单词。10分 r 地板 数学3.h r 头发 ne 刀 医生 语文 k厨师9.ncle叔父 蔬菜。四...


作者 任世春日期 2010年09月08日 本站原创 字体 大中小 点数增加方法。核心提示 听力部分 35分 一 听字母,选择正确的选项。5 二 听单词,听力部分 35分 一 听字母,选择正确的选项。5 1.a.f b.x 2.a.c b.v 4.a.prc b.pla 5.a...