
发布 2020-09-21 05:14:28 阅读 3714





一、听录音一遍,看看下列各图是否与录音内容相符,如相符的画“ ”否则画“ ”10分)



ab( )cabc( )

g h 4. 15 14 50

ab( )ca( )b( )c( )

abc( )



) i can see 16b. i h**e 16.

) sure. here you are. b. thank you

) it’s niceb. look!

) a pencil and books. b. a chair

) his name is zhang peng. b. my name is zhang peng.

六、听短文两遍,判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符,如相符的打“√”否则打“ ×5分)

)1. amy and sarah are friends.

)2. sarah is short.

)3. sarah likes sports.

)4. the classroom is small.

)5. the classroom is nice and clean.


1. miss lin is our english

2. there is ain the pencil-case.

3. we can see oneon the desk.

4. amy is a good

5. give me aplease.



this is a (a. boy b. girl).

like (a. science

me clean the (

jie likes (

look at the ( book book) .

二、判断图意与句意是否相符,如相符打“ √否则打“ ×10分)

)1. i h**e four pencils.

( )2. open the door,please.

)3. she has a big mouth.

)4. we are good friends.

( )5. there are forty- seven spoons on the chair. 36


)1. how manydo you h**e? —twenty.

a. vestsb. vest

)2. i amenglish girl. i’m from uk.

a. ab. an

)3is the van? it’s 52 yuan.

a. how many b. how much

)4. mike’s friendmath.

a. )5is he? he is zhang peng.

a. whatb. who

四、阅读短文,并根据短文内容判断下列句子是否正确,正确的打“ √否则打“ ×5分)

i h**e a good friend. he is a boy. his name is mike.

he has short yellow hair. he has big eyes. he is tall and thin.

he likes painting and sports. look! this is his football (足球).

it’s black and white.

) is my good friend.

) has long yellow hair.

) is strong.

) likes painting and sports.

) football is black and white.

五、看句子所表达的意思是否正确,正确的打“ √否则打“ ×5分)

)1.一般男孩子留着long hair。

)2.当你做错了事向别人道歉时,应该说:“you’re welcome.”


)4.你很着急地赶路,恰巧前面两位同学并肩走着,你应说:“excuse me!”

)5.你想叫同学一起打扫教室,你要说:let’s clean the classroom .


2010 2011学年度第一学期四年级语文期中检测题。一 积累 运用 54分 1 看拼音写词语。10分 i l j j ng ch n di s u su r ng hu 2 辨字组词。8分 脾拆浆睁 牌折桨挣 3 把词语补充完整。6分 引人不 思坐 不安。心机如也不容 疑 4 填上合适的词 6分 ...


一 我能读准确写美观 看拼音,写词语 10分 f i t ng l ng zh o c n l n j n y n x ng g p q gu lzh o y o r n p ng ch ng di 二 火眼金睛,辨字组词。8分 疑占拆伐。凝战折代。三 找伙伴 搭配词语连线 10分 暖和的泉水兴奋的...


四年级数学第一学期中段测试卷。一 填空。13分 1 一个自然数,最高位百万位上的数是5,万位上是8,其他数位上的数是最小的自然数,这个数写作改写成用 万 作单位的数是 2 个一千万是一亿,10个 是一千亿。3 在一个平面内,不相交的两条直线叫做 也可以说这两条直线 4 用量角器量角时,量角器的中心角...