竞赛试题六年级上学期小学英语期中真题模拟试卷卷 二

发布 2020-08-20 04:28:28 阅读 4949



1. 选出下列单词中不同类的单词( )

a .trainb .takec .taxi

2. 选出你所听到的单词或词组。

a .next tob .next weekc .near

3. 找出不同项( )

a .cleverb .strictc .h**e

4. did the boy___fly) a kite last sunday?

5does the film begin?

at five p. m.

a .whatb .howc .when

6. 选出你所听到的单词或词组。

a .crossingb .cinemac .comic book

7. 阅读理解。

dear peter,

howare you?

iwent to a birthday party at a fast food shop yesterday. it was my kindergartenfriend vivian's eighth birthday. i met many kindergarten friends at the party.

theyh**e changed a lot!

adamis very tall now. he was very short when he was five.

dorais quite short and fat now. i remember she was thin and tall when she was seems she stopped growing taller. vivian has long hair now.

she had shorthair when she was five. she played the violin at the party. i didn't know shecould play it br**o!

myfriends said l was the only one who had not changed much.

i wasfat and short when l was five. and i am still fat and short!

talk later.


tony1. (1)whose birthday was it yesterday?

2. (2)how old is vivian now?

3. (3)who was tall and thin in the past?

4. (4)how is tony now?

8. 根据资料卡的内容介绍下面这种濒危动物的相关信息以及我们应该如何保护这种动物。

name:yangtze alligator(扬子鳄)

live in:the changjiang river

food:birds, frogs, mice and so on

number in the past:many

number now:about 130 in thewild

what can we do to help them?

keep the water clean.

don't hunt them for food.


9. i had a __summer holiday.

a .tookb .wonderfulc .went to

10. 选出你所听到的单词或词组。

a .by busb .by trainc .by taxi

11. it was father's day. i g___up early in the morning.

12. 根据你所听到的问句选择合适的答句( )

a .yes, i amb .oh yes,they fit .no, i don't.

13. turn right __the museum, then go___

a .of; straightb .at; straightc .in; straight

14. on christmas day, he g___a wonderful present from his parents.

15. the king was f___because he's wearing no clothes.


16. first turn left, then go s___

17. what you h**e breakfast yesterday?

a .did;forb .do;inc .did;at

18. 从方框中选择单词或词组,并用其正确形式完成句子。

1. (1)helen and her sister are___their new clothes.

2. (2)they don't like___and they don't like music either.

3. (3)nancy___her cat and shouted.

4. (4)there___a lot of flowers in the park last year.

5. (5)ben wants___a birthday card for his teacher.

19. my brother often __h**e) lunch at school.

20. 补全对话。

a: _b:i h**e a bad stomachache.

a:you look sick. _

b:i had a sandwich and a lot of cola forbreakfast yesterday. at noon, i ate a hamburger and some ice cream for lunch.

_and i had some chicken,some rice and a lot of cola for dinner.

a:you ate too much sweet food. _youshouldn't eat too much.

you should eat many tables and fruit. _you should drink much water too.

b:ok. thank you, doctor.

21. 你想问别人的邻居是做什么的,你可以问:

a .what does your neighbour do?b .

how is your neighbour?c .where is your neighbour from?

22. 阅读理解。

mary and kate are sisters. theyhad a physical examination(体检)last week. these are some of the results(结果).

they are healthy.


1. (1)mary and kate had the physical examination last month.

2. (2)last year kate was 9 years old and mary was 10 years old.

3. (3)mary's hair is short and kate's hair is long.

4. (4)both mary and kate h**e black hair.

5. (5)their eyes' colour are different.


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