
发布 2020-08-17 18:00:28 阅读 8928


a:good afternoon, boys and girls.同学们,下午好!

b:welcome to the colorful english.欢迎收听本周的七彩英语。

ab:colorful english, colorful 七彩英语,七彩生活。

a:i’m , from class 3 grade 6.我是六(3)班的。

b:i’m , from class 3 grade 6,too.我是六(3)班的。

i’m very happy to be here. i’m a green english



a:呵呵,那,i’m a green hand.到底是什么意思呢b:

let’s me tell you later.一会儿告诉你。先问你个问题,你知道英语中表示颜色的单词有哪些吗。

a: of course. it’s a piece of case.

这太简单。red, yellow,pink, green, purple, orange, blue, black, white….

b:you’resogreat!英语中有丰富多彩的颜色,但是,有的颜色除了它们的本来意思以外,还有许多引申和象征的意义,比如说:i’m a green hand.

here it means i’m new.这里表示没有经验,我是生手。

a:oh,i see. i thought my hands are green.原来是这样啊,我还以为说我的手是绿色的呢。

b:look at my hands. can you see them greena: ha ha, no, no, i got it.



i understand嗯,有道理。

b:同学们,你们记住了i’m a green hand.是什么意思了吗。


b:that'sright!greenhand是美国人常用的经典口语,you’d better remember.要记住哦。

a:我也知道一个关于颜色的短语,black sheep,不是黑色的绵羊,二是“害群之马”的意思。


没有。例如:white elephant无用的东西。

a:oh, it’s interesting.原来英语的颜色这么有趣。

****musicdaily english

b:now it’s time for daily english.接下来是日常英语时间。

a;please listen to a dialogue first.请大家先听一段对话。

b:how are you doing, xx

a:very well, thank you. how about youb:not too good. i h**e a slight cold.

a:i’m sorry to hear that. did you go to see a doctorb:

yes, i did. i took some you feeling betterb:yes, i am.

i’ll be ok soon.

a:that’s good. the weather changes a lot these days.

somestudents catch a cold. you need to take thank you.

a:everyone, can you follow the dialogue同学们,你们听懂刚才的对话了吗。

b:now,let’我们一起来学学一些常用句子。a:how are you doing你过得怎么样b:how are you doing

a:very well, thank you.很好,谢谢!b:very well, thank too good.不太好。b:not too good.

a:i h**e a slight cold.我有点感冒。b:i h**e a slight cold.

a:当表达我感冒了。我们可以说,i got a cold.

i h**e acold.如果说感冒不是严重,有点感冒。则可以用a slight h**e a slight h**e a slight cold.

a:did you go to see a doctor你去看医生了吗b:did you go to see a doctora:

i took some medicine.我吃药了。b:

i took some medicine.

a:are you feeling better你感觉好些了吗b:are you feeling better

a:i’ll recover soon.很快就好。

同学们请记住,recover这里表示恢复健康。b:i’ll recover care!

请保重!b:take care!

a:同学们,你学会了吗让我们一起来对话吧。b:how are you doing, xx

a:very well, thank you. how about youb:not too good. i h**e a slight cold.

a:i’m sorry to hear that. did you go to see a doctorb:

yes, i did. i took some you feeling better

b:yes, i am. i’ll be ok soon.

a:that’s good. the weather changes a lot these days.

somestudents catch a cold. you need to take thank music

a:what’s the date today

b:today is dec. 17th.

今天是12月17日。 what’s the mattera:dec.

17th. oh, christmas day is is christmas day圣诞节是哪一天a:it’s dec.


b:oh,next tuesday is christmas day.下周二就是圣诞节了,在这里让我们先跟大家说一声:

“圣诞节快乐1ab: merry christmas!


b:请大家跟我一起说:“merry christmas1a:merry christmas!

b:下面把merry christmas和jingle bells这两首歌送给大家,预祝大家“merry christmas1music:merry christmas, jingle bellsending


b:happy time always flies fast.快乐的时光总是短暂的。

a:it’s time to say goodbye. and s o much for today’scolourfulenglish.


a:see you next monday.让我们一起期待下周一的再会。

goodbye!b:see you!


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运动会期间,运动会们不轻言放弃,勇于拼搏,挑战自我,突破极限的精神已为我们前进的道路上点亮了一盏盏明灯。为大家带来的是小学六年级的广播稿大全,欢迎阅读。六1班投稿 天空中有道彩虹,它在雨后的天空中美丽夺目,生命中也有一道彩虹,那就是运动,他让生命丰富多彩。充满了生机青春的我们,青春的生命,青春的运动...