
发布 2020-08-11 14:27:28 阅读 1266

unit1 sports

lesson 1 ping-pong and basketball

1. phrases 短语。

play sports做运动。

teach me to play ping-pong 教我打乒乓球。

learn to play basketball 学打篮球。

go shopping去购物。

what about呢?…怎么样?

would like想要。

2. sentences 句子。

1) what sport do you play? 你做什么运动?

i play football and ping-pong.


2) of all sports, i like basketball best.


3) ping-pong/ basketball is my f**ourite.


4) can you teach me to play ping-pong?


sure! 当然!

5)let’s go to play ping-pong and basketball tomorrow.


6)i also need a t-shirt. 我还需要一件t恤衫。

7)i always wear a t-shirt to play ping-pong.


8)what about you? 你呢?

9)do you h**e any ping-pong balls? 你有乒乓球吗?

10)she would like some bananas. 她想要一些香蕉。

11)they don’t h**e any milk. 他们没有牛奶。

lesson2 at the sports shop

1. oral english 口语。

excuse me. 对不起,打扰一下。

here they are. 它们在这儿 !

i’ll show you. 我带你们去看看!

2. sentences 句子。

1) do you h**e any t-shirts? 你们有t恤衫吗?

2)do you like this t-shirt or that t-shirt?


i want this one! 我想要这件!

3)do you want these or those?你想要这些还是那些?

4)these balls are five dollars. 这些球5美元。

5)this woman is wearing a yellow dress.


6)that man is wearing a red sweater.


7)these people are talking. 这些人在说话。

8)those people are singing. 那些人在唱歌。

9)this woman is near. 这个女人近。

10)that man is far. 那个男人远。

11)these flowers are near. 这些花儿近。

12)those flowers are far. 那些花儿远。

13) do you like this football or that football?


i like that football. 我喜欢那个足球。

lesson 3 let’s play!

1. oral english 口语。

let me try! 让我试试!

here i go! 我开始了!

2. sentences 句子。

1) are you ready to learn to play basketball?


2) i want to learn, too! 我也想学!

3) i’m throwing the basketball! 我正在投篮球。

4) catch the basketball. 接住篮球。

5) this is too difficult! 这太难了!

6) the ball is too he**y! 这球太重了!

7) i can throw it我能投它。

8) the basketball is he**y. 篮球重。

9) the ping-pong ball is light. 乒乓球轻。

10) i am hitting the ball to jenny. 我正把球打给珍妮。

11) can you hit the ball to jenny?你能把球打给珍妮吗?

12)li ming hits the ball, but danny hits his hand!


13)the man is teaching the boy to skate.


14)the boy is learning to skate.


15)jenny can fly the kite very high. it’s easy.


lesson4 do you h**e fun?

1. phrases 短语。

h**e fun玩得开心。

a basketball player 篮球运动员。

at the shop在商店。

buy things at the shop 在商店买东西。

each other互相,彼此。

teach each other a sport 教彼此一项运动。

a new he**y ball 一个新的重球。

3. sentences 句子。

1) did you h**e fun today? 你们今天玩得开心吗?

yes, we did是的,我们很开心。

2)i taught jenny to hit the ball. 我教珍妮打球。

3)i taught li ming to throw and catch the ball.


4)did danny learn to play basketball, too?


5)he thought the basketball was too he**y.


6)he played basketball with a ping-pong ball.


7)jenny and li ming often buy things at the shop.


8)sometimes, they teach each other a sports.


9)danny always thinks he can catch the ball, but he can’t. 丹尼总是认为他能接住球,但是他不能。

10)this morning, jenny and li ming bought things at the shop.


11)this afternoon, they taught each other a sport.


12)danny thought he could hit the ball, but he hit his hand. 丹尼认为他能打球,但是他打到了他的手。

13)last sunday, i walked to the zoo. 上周日,我步行去了动物园。

14)i ate some bread for lunch. 我午饭吃了一些面包。

15)what did you do last sunday? 你上周日做什么。

lesson5 a basketball game

1. phrases 短语。

play a game 打比赛。

play with the orange team 和橙队打比赛。

watch bob play basketball **鲍勃打篮球。

play hard打得卖力。

yell for bob’s team 为鲍勃的队喊加油。

play basketball for fun 打篮球娱乐。

2. sentences 句子。

1) what did you do this evening?


2)we watched bob play basketball.


3)did bob’s team play a game? 鲍勃的队打比赛了吗?

4)it was a very good game. 那是一场非常好的比赛。

5)does bob play basketball every day?


6)he plays basketball for fun on saturday and sunday.


7)he played so well this evening. 他今晚打得那么好。

8)what game did you play? 你打了什么比赛?


unit2 good health to you lesson 7 always h e breakfast 1.phrases 短语。be good for对。有好处。h e breakfast吃早餐。how often多久。last week上一周。good work做得好。healthy an...


unit2 good health to you lesson 7 always h e breakfast 1.words 单词。everyone每个人。healthy健康的。strong强壮的。first首先,第一。once一次。twice两次。three times 三次。should应该 h...


unit2good health to you lesson 7 always h e breakfast 单词。everyone每个人healthy健康的strong强壮的。first首先,第一once一次twice两次three times三次。should应该height身高weight重量。...