2019六年级英语总复习 A3速印

发布 2020-08-06 02:44:28 阅读 6520


unit 1:where did you buy that hat?重点词组:

box of chocolates一盒巧克力 loaf of bread一条面包。

carton of milk一盒牛奶 can of cola一罐可乐。

tube of toothpaste一管牙膏 pack of cards一副扑克牌。

bunch of flowers一束花 pair of sunglasses一副太阳镜。

store食品杂货店10. shopping mall购物中心。

★★ 在地点前要使用介词:at


did you buy those shoes? 你在**买那些鞋子?

i bought them at the shopping mall? 我在购物中心买的。

much were they?它们要多少钱?

they were 25 yuan.它们要25元。 that’s cheap.那便宜。

did you buy that hat?你在**买那顶帽子?

i bought it at the grocery store. 我在食品杂货店买的。

unit 2:turn left at the corner.重点单词、词组:

left向左转 right向右转 straight直走。

from在…对面 街道 light交通灯。

拐角,角 stop公共汽车站

me=pardon me 对不起,打扰了,请原谅。


me. where’s the bank? 请问,银行在**?

turn left at the corner. 在拐角向左转。

it’s next to the grocery store.它在食品杂货店旁边。

me. where’s the shopping mall?请问,购物中心在**?

go straight. 直走。 it’s across from the park. 它在公园的对面。

straight to the traffic light. 直走到交通灯。

unit 3:he’s going into the hole!重点单词、词组:

累的;疲倦的 害怕的;受惊的 兴奋的

不安的 up late很晚才睡;熬夜 a noise听到一声响 为什么 a kitten得到一只小猫

a poor grade考得不好 因为


1. i’m tired. why? 我很累。为什么?

because i stayed up late last night. 因为我昨晚熬夜。

2. why did you stay up late? 你为什么熬夜?because i watched tv. 因为我看电视。

3. why are you scared? 你为什么害怕?

because he’s going into the hole. 因为他要进入洞里。

unit 5:where were you ?重点词组:

home在家书店 salon理发店。

station地铁站 work在工作 store玩具店。

office牙医诊所 集市 for等待。

for寻找 午餐时间 12. worried担心的;担忧的。

★★ 在地点前要使用介词:at


were you at 3:30 ? 3:30你在**?

i was at the subway station. 我在地铁站。

was waiting for my friend.我正在等我的朋友。

you at the bookstore at 7:00?7:00你在书店吗?

no, i wasn’t.不,我不在。 i was at the toy store.我在玩具店。

unit 6:lisa was laughing loudly.重点单词、词组:


缓慢地 迅速地 大声地 轻声地;小声地 迟到的;晚的 so long花这么长的时间。





1. what were you doing?你在干什么?

i was digging a hole for my new tree. 我在为我的新树挖洞。

did it take so long? 你为什么花这么长的时间?

i was digging slowly. 我挖得慢。

were you digging slowly? 你为什么挖得慢?

because it was hot. 因为天气很热。

unit 7:i had a bad day.重点词组:

up late迟醒 the bus没能赶上公共汽车。

my homework忘记拿功课 my keys丢失我的钥匙。

the game比赛获胜 some cotton candy吃了一些棉花糖。

fun with friends和朋友一起玩 a cold患感冒。


had a bad day! 我倒霉了一天。

happened? 发生了什么事?

i woke up late. 首先,我迟醒。

next, i missed the bus. 接着,我没能赶上公共汽车。

then, i forgot my homework! 然后,我忘记拿功课。

unit 9:they’re good for you. 重点单词、词组:

足够的 enough不够的 充足的;大量的。

much太多的 for you 对你有好处的 健康的。

for you对你 不健康的 food垃圾食品。

exercise加强锻炼 11. not really.不是这样的

青菜;绿色食品 lot of=plenty of大量的;很多的

now on从现在开始


wrong with you, gogo? 你怎么啦?i had too much cola. 我喝了太多的可乐。

bad for you! 那对你有害处的。

else is bad for me? 还有什么对我不好的?

too much junk food is unhealthy. 太多的不利于健康的食物。

good for me? 什么对我有好处?

get plenty of exercise, eat plenty of vegetables and drink a lot of water.


make you healthy!那会令你健康起来!

unit 10:we’re going to go tibet. 重点单词、词组:

ship乘轮船 plane乘飞机 bus乘公共汽车。

train乘火车 in a hotel住在旅馆里

camping去露营 sightseeing 去观光。

with relatives住在亲戚家里 **


by+交通工具:by bus ②take a / the+交通工具:take a bus


are you going to get to guangzhou?你们准备怎样到达广州?


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