
发布 2020-07-31 02:21:28 阅读 4717


英语。i. 看图写单词,单词首字母已经给出。(10分)

. 选择不同类的单词 (10分)

) 1. a. need b. tomorrow c. next week d. today

) 2. a. post office b. pet shop c. post card d. theme park

) 3. a. cd b. post card c. story book d. cake

) east b. west c. easy d. north

( )5. a. train b. bus c. buy d. ship

. (选择正确答案) (共30分)

)1do you go to school ?

i go toschool on foot .

a. how b. what c. when

) want to a book.

a. read c. reading

)3. are you going to do this evening?

a. how b. what c. when

)4. it next the hospital.

a. to b. or c. but

)5does she work

she works school .

a. what b. when c. where

)6is your hobby ?

a. how b. what c. when

) can see many doctor in the .

a. bank c. hospital

)8. we look the same , we don’t like the same things .

a. and b. or c. but

)9. little water drop goes higher higher.

a. and b. or c. but

)10is the hospital ?

it’s near my home .

a. what b. when c. where

)11. -does he go to school by bike

a. no, he isn’tb. yes , he do

c . yes , he does

)12. can help you ?

a. me b. i c. my

) should stop at the light.

a. red c. green

)14are you going ?

i’m going at 7:00 .

a. what b. how c. when

)15. the library is the left .

b. in c. at

. (情景交际) (共15分)

)1.“let me see ”在中文中表示什么意思?

a. 让我想想b. 把它给我。

c. 我们出发吧!

( )2.当别人对你说“thank you”时,你应该说:

a. goodbyeb. ok!

c. you’re welcom.


a. what are you doing ?

b. what are you going to do next weekend ?

c. where are you going last weekend ?

( )4.当你想知道你朋友的妈妈是干什么的,应该问?

a. what does your mother do ?

b. where does your mother work ?

c. what do you do ?


a. that’s

b. help help

. 情景对话 (共10分)

) can i get to the zooa. you can go by the no.15 bus.

) do you a teacher.

) she an like collecting stamps.

) your comes from the vapour.

) does the cloud come from? isn’t

. (句型转换)(共10分)

1. does he teach english ? 做否定回答)

2. she likes watching tv .(对划线部分进行提问)

3. how do you go to school? (根据实际情况回答)

4 . where , the , rain , does , come from (?连词成句)

5. 我的母亲是一位歌手。 (翻译成英文)

. (阅读短文,判断对“√”错“×”共10分)

my name is ping . i come from china . i’m eleven.

my school is not big ,but it’s beautiful. there are three people in my family . i often go to school by car .

my father is a doctor . i go home by bus after school . my mother works in a restaurant ,but she is not a waitress(服务员).

she is a manager ( 经理). i h**e a pet . it looks like a snowball(雪球).

it has a short tail, two long ears and red eyes .it can run fast . it’s pretty and smart .

i like it very much.

) comes from canada.

) mother is a manager .

) pet is a rabbit .

) often goes to school by car .

) father is a teacher .

. 卷面分。 (共5分)


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