
发布 2020-07-24 21:57:28 阅读 8857


1. on national day6. 拉出。

2. collect eggs7. 品尝桃子。

3. on the farm8. 课前。

4. play volleyball9. 起床早。

5. milk cows10. 上个周末。


1. am(过去式形式2. tasted(原形。

3. funny(名词4. some (否定形式。

5. were not(缩写形式6. one(序数词。

7. carrot(复数形式8. a lot of (同义词组。

9. family(复数形式10. did (原形。


( )1. it __the national day holiday last week.

a. isb. was c. were

) 2. today is the___day of school.

a. the first b. first c. one

) 3. helento school early every day.

a. goesb. walk c. get

) 4. _you see the film yesterday?

a. areb. were c. did

) 5. it is acartoon.

a. funb. funny c. interesting

) 6. whatdid you do?

a. alsob. elsec. too

) 7. we picked apples and tasted

a. itb. them c. they

) 8. i want___go to the farm.

a. tob. forc. with

) 9. were there any fruits on the farm? no

a. there were b. they weren’t c. there weren’t

) 10. he was___a camp last week.

a. atb. inc. on

) 11. where __jim __two years ago?

a. does live b. did live c. did, lived

) 12. his father __a magazine now.

a. readb. readsc. is reading

) 13. h**e you got __rice?

a. anyb. manyc. some

) 14. did you __the flower there ?

a. likeb. likedc. likes

) 15. look, she is __her camera.

a. look forb. findingc. looking for


1. bendo) his homework yesterday.

2. how manyorange) are there in the bag?

3. my brother is oneyear) old.

4. it was afun) cartoon.

5. i wanted tovisit) a farm last week.

6. my mother likescollect) stamps.

7. can ismoke) here? no. look at the sign ‘nosmoke)’.

8. his earphones___be) on the desk a moment ago.

9. _be) there any books on the table just now?

10. i like readingstorybook).


1. 上个星期我和我的家人一起看了一场电影。

my family and i __a film __week.

2. 他们刚才干什么了? 我们浇树了。

what did they___aago? we___trees.

3. 他上个星期三还干什么了? 他和他朋友去购物了。

what __did he do lasthewith his .

4. 我也想和我的家人一起去农场。

i __to go to the __with my


today is the __day of school after the

六、看图作文。要求:1.句子通顺,单词拼写正确,书写规范。2. 不少于50个单词。


2012年下六年级英语兴趣小组教学计划。教师 胡婧懿。一 指导思想。为了提高一部分英语学习能力薄弱的学生的英语学习兴趣 增强的他们的英语基础知识,这一学期,六年级特开设英语补差训练队。二 活动对象。六年级四个班学生共20名。三 活动内容。复习26个字母表,复习颜色 动物 动作 家庭成员 文具 食物等...


年级 六年级作文类型 记叙文作文字数 兴趣小组。我们美术小组的段老师的脚骨折了。所以,这一学期的美术兴趣小组就不开放了,唉不知道美术课怎么办?一直上数学!我们三个美术组的就去跟班去参加班里的课外活动。这次的课外活动是砸沙包!我们最喜欢砸沙包了!我们十几个女生手心手儿背。张昭和我是边。我们互相配合得很...


语文试卷4 一 30分 1.下列加点字的注音全都正确的一项是 3分 原创 a.提防 t 哂笑 sh n 恪尽职守 k b.濒临 b n 恣睢 su怦然心动 p ng c.惬意 xi 污秽 hu 叱咤风云 zh d.拮据 j 嗔视 ch n 义愤填膺 y n 2.下列词语中没有别字的一项是 3分 原创...