
发布 2020-07-21 16:25:28 阅读 3689



1、( usuallya 通常 b 有时 c 总是

2、( squarea 三角形 b圆 c 正方形。

3、( housea房子 b小时 c 公寓。

4、( breakfasta晚饭 b午饭 c早饭

5、( bathtuba 浴室 b 淋浴 c浴缸。


反义词2. sun(形容词。

复数4. sit(现在分词。

过去式6. loud (副词。

名词8. like(第三人称单数。

9. dress(复数10. sit(现在分词。


1.( it is time___breakfast !

a. at b. for c. on

2.( who wants a gift?” li ming asks __

a. quietly b. quiet c. quick

3.( i don’t think

a. too b. so

4.( we put starsour christmas trees.

a. up b. on

5.( i wash my hands __the sink .

a. in b. on c. at

6.( i am going to play __guitar

a . a b .an c. the

7.( look! she is __a picture.

a. drawing b. draws

8.( these are many __

a. dish b. dishes

9lines make a ******** ?

a. how many much old

10.( he skates backward

a. slow

11.( she always goes home __5:30

a. on c. at

12.( you always do your homework ?

a. do c. does

13.( my family lives in __apartment .

a. an b . a c .the

14.( today is september __

a one b. first c .frist

15.( she is __the dishes .

a .wash b. washes c, washing


) what i like to doa.这个比第一个小。

) one is smaller than the first. c. 她会弹钢琴

) was a great teacherb.他是一位伟大的教师。

) put a line for never. d.这是我喜欢做的事。

) can play the pianoe.让我们用直线代表从不。


___sit) on the couch now.

goes home june twenty-__five)

always like __sing

like the __rain)day

___help)my mother!


1.( we go to school in monday

ab c2.( jenny is siting in a chair

a b c3.( where do you from

a b c4.( please bursh your tooths every day

a b c

5. (this is a umbrellas

a b c七、根据要求,选择合适的答语。(10分)

) time is ita. i’m washing the dishes.

) are you doingb. it’s 7:00.

) are you fromc. it’s rainy and cool.

) the weather today? d. i’m from china.

)5. what’s the temperature? twenty degrees.


december 25th is christmas day. it is a special holiday in western countries.(国家) the adults(大人)don’t work,students don’t go to school.

people invite their family and friends. they give gifts to each other. they usually sing songs at christmas.

the songs are called carols. there is a very nice old man. he is in red clothes and red hat.

he has a big bag. there are many gifts in it .childre like him very much.

) 1. christmas is a special holiday in eastern countries.

) 2. people invite their family and friends.

) 3. sometimes they sing carols at christmas.

) 4. santa is a very nice man in red clothes and white hat.

) 5. there are many clothes in his bag.


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