
发布 2020-07-15 16:17:28 阅读 7079








1. lw v

f eg p

t8. y r

d w10. r_ce


a walk2. 害怕。

and there4. 来自___

three months6.古老的谚语___

7. for a moment8.做早操___

9. at last10.醒来。


单三形式单三形式) _

现在分词反义词) _





)1、the teacher asks me answer the question .

a . tob . forc . on

)2、tom isn’t at home. his brother isn’t at home

a. either b. toc. too

)3、 she always here before six thirty ?

a. do/ come b. is /come c. does /come

)4、it’s cold here, please put your coat.

a. inb. onc. up

)5、when he his homework every evening?

a. do/ do b. does/ do c. does / does

)6、there is something wrong his clock.

a. forb. withc. of

)7、it’s seven twenty my clock now.

a. withb. byc. to

)8、xiao ming says hello __him.

a . atb . onc . to

)9、there are __clouds in the sky.

a . not a b . noc . not

)10、he usually goes home___bike.

a . byb . by a c . with

)11、ann is very happy___with her father.

a . to gob . goes c . go to

)12、she her homework at home。

a . doesn'tb . doesn't do c . isn’t do

)13、 do you usually go to school?

at seven。

a . what b . how c . what time

)14、 does he go home after school every day?

by bike。

a . how b . when c . what time


1、 he gets up at six in the morning .(对划线部分提问 )

2、 my father often goes for a walk after supper .(同义句)

my father oftenafter supper .

3、 she often goes home by bike .(对划线部分提问 )

4、lulu does morning exercises at seven.(改为否定句)


always h**e lunch at twelve.(改为一般疑问句)

live in zhengzhou。.(对划线部分提问 )


ab )where are you from1. ok,let’s go.

)does he come from the usa? 2. i go home by bike.

)where does she live3. no, he doesn’t.

)how do you usually go home? 4. i’m from china .

)let’s go for a walk5. she lives in henan.


1. do, you, at, h**e, usually, breakfast, seven.

2. h**e, you, for, what, breakfast, do

3. she, always, here, does, come

4. do, up, when, usually, you, get.

brown, old, is, mr, years


it is sunday today.xiaoming and xiaogang are going to the park.they are waiting for a bus.a red bus stops at the bus stop(公共汽车站).xiaoming and xiaogang are getting on the bus(上车).

they are sitting on the bus now.the bus is coming to the next stop(下站).now an old woman is getting on the bus。xiaoming and xiaogang stand up(站起来).xiaoming says,“please sit here,granny(老奶奶).”xiaogang also(也) says,“please sit here,granny.my seat is near the door.please sit here.”


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