
发布 2020-07-09 20:06:28 阅读 7072


姓名得分 the 6th day

1、公共标志 public signs

2、don’t make noise不要发出喧闹声(不要制造噪音)

3、禁止乱扔垃圾no littering

4、stay away from 远离

5、举行生日派对h**e a birthday party

6、the twenty-first of may 五月二十一日。

7、在一月一日on the first of january

8、talk about谈论(讨论)

9、在星期四的下午on thursday afternoon

10、as a present 作为礼物。

11、跟他们的老师道别say goodbye to their teachers

12、the girl in front of me 在我前面的女孩。

13、在第二个停车站 at the second stop

14、a book about animals一本关于动物的书。

15、善于跑步 be good at running

16、the boy on my left 在我左边的男孩。

17、go for a walk(= h**e a walk, take a walk) 散步。

18、h**e a chat (with sb.) 与某人)聊天。

19、look the same 看起来很像。

20、do well in 在……方面能干。

结构:ask/tell sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事。

the old man asked/told me to show him the way to the zoo yesterday.

ask/tell sb. todo sth.

the way to the zoo:去动物园的路。


结构:it’s time for sb. to do sth. 该是某人做某事的时候了。

it’s time for us to show our christmas presents to each other now.

it’s time for sb. todo sth.



)1. a. wonderfulb. walletc. wait

)2. a. uncleb. auntc. umbrella

)3. a. marchb. matchc. mean

)4. a. pull upb. dress upc. hurry up

)5. a. 13b. 30c. 33

)6. a. in januaryb. in costumesc. in october

)7. a. at lunch time b. at the campc. at christmas

)8. a. may dayb. children’s dayc. national day

)9. a. a moment ago b. in the mountainsc. mobile phone

)10. a. noiseb. nearbyc. nobody


) 1. a. yes, i did. b. yes, there were. c. i watched a football game.

) 2. a. no, i didn’t. b. no, i don’tc. no, i wasn’t.

) 3. a. it’s in january or february.

b. it’s in october. c.

it’s in may or june.

) 4. a. eat rice dumplings. b. play with lanterns. c. watch the moon.

) 5. a. it’s may day.

b. it’s on the first of july. c.

children’s day is coming.

) 6. a. christmas is coming.

b. the dragon boat festival is coming.

c. may day is coming.

) 7. a. it’s the first of january.

b. it’s on the first of january.

c. it’s on the first of june.

) 8. a. yes, i dob. no, i didn’tc. yes, i am.

) 9. a. 31b. 30c. 29

)10. a. yes, i h**e. b. no, thanksc. no, i don’t h**e.


) 1. a. the glasses are on the desk now.

b. the glasses are on the sofa.

c. the glasses were on the desk just now.

) 2. a. it means you shouldn’t smoke.

b. it means you shouldn’t make noise.

c. it means you shouldn’t walk on the grass.

) 3. a. 10b. 8c. 12

) 4. a. it’s on feb.27th. b. it’s on feb.7th. c. it’s on sep. 7th.

) 5. a. she’s nancy’s sister b. the girl in the car. c. the girl in a blue dress.

四、 听录音,判断录音内容是否与图意相符,相符的用t表示,不相符的用f表示。听两遍)


mr whiteis on the 25th of

what holidayit?

d**id: new year.

mr white: what dousually do at new year?

d**id: they go toand it’s my f**ourite holiday.


mr white: my f**ourite holiday is thefestival.

d**id: why?

mr white: because i likewith


温馨提示:先分析句子的时态,如果是一般现在时[讲习惯、经常性发生动作或客观事实],每句若有两个空要填,一般第一个空填do 或does(究竟用do 或does,取决于主语,如果是第3人称单数形式,那么用does,否则就用do)第二个空填动词原形;如果是现在进行时,则要注意be动词+动词ing形式;情态动词后面的行为动词必须用原形。祈使句里的动词用原形。


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