
发布 2020-07-09 11:14:28 阅读 5411





)1. a. plane b. play c. price

)2. a. work b. word c. worker

)3. a. study b. studies c. stay

)4. a. left b. light

)5. a. more b. moon c. must


)6. go to school on foot. goes to work by bus .

is a worker.

)7. a. yes ,he does b. yes,she is ,i am

)8. near the pet hospital. ,there is

c. no,it isn’t.

)9. is a singer. is writing an email to her pen pal.

is going to school.

) are going next week . going to the park.

are doing kung fu.


) going to

a. watch tv tonight a film tomorrow c. do my homework

) the

a. right,museum ,science museum

) likesand

a. playing sports,swimming football,singing

the pipa ,watching tv

)14.__i come on footi come by bike.

a. usually ,sometimes usually ,usually

)15.__at a __light.

a. stop ,red ,green ,yellow


) uncle is from the usa. (a.对 b.错)

) uncle is a fisherman. (a.对 b.错)

) uncle likes playing basketball. (a.对 b.错)

) uncle likes to play football with his parents. (a.对 b.错)

) uncle is going to play football with his friends next week.(a.对b.错)



) 21. a. footb. trainc. plane d. subway

) 22. a. news***** b. bookstore c. word book d. comic book

) 23. a. police officer b. father c. pilot d. worker

) 24. a. angryb. sadc. happy d. wear

) 25. a. teaches b. tomatoes c. watches d. reads


)26. my little puppy is ill. i am

a. happyb. sadc. angry

)27. tom __playing football,but he __watching it on tv .

a. likes;likes b .doesn’t like;likes c don’t like; likes

)28. -howsam feel?

is ill.

a. do; sheb. does; it c. does; he

) mice are afraid __the cat.

)30does your mother work ?

in a supermarket .

a、when b、where c、what

)31at a green light.

a. stopb. waitc. go

) are you going?

a. i’m going on foot. b. i’m going at 7:30.

c. i’m going to school.

) she watch tv at night?

a. yes, she dob. yes, she does. c. no, he doesn’t.

)34. mary’s uncle is __doctor, her aunt is __artist.

a. a , anb. a, ac an, a

)35. _any men in the room ?

a. is there b. are there c. there aren’t


iii ) does he work? a. he's mike.

( )37. what do you often do? b. i like playing the violin.

( )38. how do you go to school? c. yes,she does.

( )39. what is your mother? d. you're welcome.

( )40. who's this boy? e. he works in a cinema.

( )41. what are you going to do? f. he is a worker.

( )42. what's your hobby? g. i go to school by bike.

( )43. does she teach math? h. i often read news*****.

( )44. thank you very much. i. my mother is a nurse.

( )45. what does your father do? j. i'm going shopping.


a. how about you? b. where is the cinema? c. do you go on foot?

d. where are you going this weekend? e. how can you get there?

f. can you go on foot? g. what do you usually do on the weekend?

a: 46b: i’m going to the cinema.

a: 47b: it’s next to the science museum.

a: 48b: i can get there by the no. 15 bus. 49 ?

a: i often go to the bookstore.

b: 50___

a:yes,i can.


my pen pal is lily. she lives in new zealand. it ’s next to australia.

she is a quiet girl. she likes football. she wants to be a football coach in the future.

she goes to school on foot. she has a brother. his name is jill.

he is only five. he likes singing. her father is a baseball player.

her mother is a reporter. she works in a tv station. she likes using computers.

they both go to work by car. they are very happy.


fill in the blanks according to the given situation.根据所给情景填空。1 你想知道这个男孩是否在唱歌,你这样问他you 如果他在唱歌,他这样回答 yes 2 你想知道学生们是否在看书,你这样问mr white they books?如果他们在踢足球...


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