
发布 2020-06-01 16:50:28 阅读 8167







) 1. a. dinner b. tiger ) 2. a. birth b. farm

) 3. a. arm b. card c. after( )4. a. ball b. tall

) 5. a. nurse b. girl c. tall6. a. glass b. class c. h**e

) 7. a. hamburger b. hurt c. garden( )8. a. face b. make c. fat


) 1. a. weather b. hotc. cool d. cold

) 2. a. snowy b. rainy c. cloudy

) class c. art room d. music class

) 4. a. one b. two c. second d. eight

) 5. a. dinner b. music c. lunch d. breakfast

) 6. a. room b. english c. d. music

) 7. a. playground b. library c. read d. teacher’s office

) myb. she c. he d. i

) 9. a. where b. what c. how d. weather

) 10. d. hot


a. welcome to our school! this is the teacher’s office. that is my classroom.

b it’s rainy. let’s go home.

cloudy in london.

d. go to the teacher’s office .hand in the homework.

e. it’s six o’clock. let’s run.

9:00,it’s time to go to bed.


1.__students in your class? many b. how much c. how old

h**e __computer room. a. an b. the c. a

3. this __marka. are b. is c. am

4. _is the art room? it is on the second floor. a. what b. where c. which

5. is this the librarya. yes,it is. b. no, it is. c. yes, it is not.

6. it is time __dinner. a. to b. for c. on

7.__time is it? it is seven o’clock. b. how c. where

8. _i h**e some breada. who b. what c. can

9. _the weather like in london? c. what

) 10.__colour is it? a. how b. where c. what

11.到睡觉的时间了,你应该说___s time to get up. b.

it’s time to go to bed12.你想知道现在几点了,你应该问a. what's this b.

what time is it now13. 当你向别人请教问题时,你可以说:__a.

excuse me. b. what are you doing?

) 10 :00. it’s time __go to school.

) 9:45. it’s time __music class.


1. is on it the floor first (.

2. it what is time (?

3. it snowy is (?

4. what weather like is the in beijing (?

5. it home go to time (?


ab )1. where is the computer rooma. yes, we do.

( )2. do you h**e a libraryb. no, it’s the gym.

( )3. is this the libraryc. ok.

( )4. your school is beautifuld. it’s on the first floor.

( )5. what time is ite. it’s red.

( )6. let’s go homef. thank you.

( )7. what colour is itg. it’s 12 o’clock.

( )8. can i h**e some souph. no,you can’t.


look! this is our new classroom. it’s big and beautiful.

let’s go into the classroom and h**e a look. the blue door is in the wall. there are 51 desks and 52 chairs on the floor.

the black computer is on the teacher’s desk. that is my seat. my seat is near the window.

we love our classroom.

) is the door?

door is in the wall. door is in the window. door is near the wall.

) colour is the door. 's red. 's white. 's blue.

) many chairs are there in the classroom.

) the desks on the they are. they aren't. it is.


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