
发布 2020-05-30 15:42:28 阅读 2609


摘要: 小学四年级英语测试题笔试部分。




turn aroundtail



drive a carstay home


two fifty-eight twelve forty one hundred

1. thirteen plusequals twenty-five.

2.__plus eight equals forty-eight.

3. forty –five plus fifty-five equals

4. twenty-four plus __equals eight-two.

5. eight plus two equals


()1.——is this a cab?——

a、yes, it is. b、 yes, it isn’t. c、 no, it is.

() eat

a. bananas b. grass c. meat

()3. where does a __live?in a hole.

b. panda c. fish

()4. what has fur?

a. an elephant has a bird has fur.

c. a lion has fur.

()5. can a cat swim

a. yes, it can b. no, it can’t. c. no, i can’t.

()6.——is the gym?——i can show you.

a、 what b、 how c、 where

()7.——it’s june. the weather is __

a、 cold and snowy b、windy and cloudy c、 hot and sunny

()8.——let’s go

a、shop b、shopping c、 city

()9. a bird has __

a. feathers and wings b. paws and fur c. fingers and feet.

()10is the animal on the farm.

a. elephant b. kangaroo c. cow



a、i want to play play ping-pong.

c、you can play ping-pong.


ming is in front of the school.

ming is inside the school.

ming is outside the school.


a、turn straight.


a、red is is is go.


a、i want to buy a don’t want to buy a shirt.

c、i don’t want to buy a dress.


a、i can show can see can work.


see a dog in a purple hat.

see a goat in a purple hat.

see a goat in a red hat.


you fly?

you play cards?

you swim?


elephant is dreaming.

monkeys are hugging.

lion is lonely.


do monkey eat?b. what do they eat?

eat bananas.


2010学年第一学期四年级英语竞赛试题。70分钟完成满分 100分 学校班级姓名 听力部分 40分 每题读两次 一 听句子,选出句子中含有的信息,并把大写字母编号写在括号内。10分 1.a.29thb.27thc.28th 2.a.presentb.personc.parents 3.a.in th...


2014 2015学年度第二学期 四校联合提质增效 四年级英语自检练习。班级姓名。温馨提示 同学们,今天我们将共同完成3月份自检英语练习题,相信大家一定能够认真对待 努力作答,开动脑筋,交出一份工整满意的答卷。加油啊!听力部分。listen and number.请根据听到的内容为下列 排序。lis...


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