
发布 2020-05-30 15:18:28 阅读 9047



c.沙发 room





j.书架。k.看电视11h**e a sleep

l.洗澡 a book

m.做小吃 tv

n.读书14h**e a snack

o.睡觉 a shower


answer; open; make; h**e; to; sit; go; take; in; on

1. welcome __my home.

2. _the bed.

3. _the fridge.

4. _the phone.

5. _on the sofa.

6. the book is __the desk.

7. _to the classroom.

8. _the shower.

9. _a snack.

10. she is __the study.



a. where are my books? b. how many books?


a. make the bed, please. b. sit on the sofa, please.


a. set the tableb. answer the phone.


a .open the door, please. b. close the door, please.

)5. john拿钥匙开门时,发现钥匙不见了,他应该怎样问妈妈:

a. where are the keys? b. is it on the chair?

)6. john想问钥匙在桌子上吗,应该说:

a. they are on the table. b. are they on the table?

)7.妈妈问john: are the keys near the phone?,他应该回答:

a. yes, it isb. no, they aren’t.

)8. john在门上找到了钥匙,他很高兴,对妈妈说:

a. look! they are in the door. b. look! they are on the door.

四、 选择恰当的译文。(15分)


a. this is your bedroom?

b. is this your bedroom?


a. is she in the living room?

b. is she in the study?


a. look! he is here.

b. look! she is here.


a. what do you see in the classroom?

b. what can you see in the classroom?


can see many desks and chairs.

b. i see some desks and chairs.


a: is this your bedroom?

b: yes

a: it’s very nice.

b:i h**e two new balls. but where are they?

a: are they on the bed?

b:noa: are they __the bed?

i’m looking for a house. i want to find two bedrooms, two bathrooms, one kitchen, one study, one living room.

which one?(


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