
发布 2020-05-27 10:18:28 阅读 2376


出卷人: 高俊红马晓光。

听力部分。一、 选出你所听到的选项。

)1. a. watch b. what c. which

)2. a. write b. white c. light

)3. a. doll b. all c. tall

)4. a. gb. j

)5. a. 84586 b. 45678 c. 85468


( )1. perhaps there will be fewer traffic jams.

) 2. we can use wood to make *****.

) 3. her photograph comes out and she reads the note on the back.

) 4. they h**e bought their plane tickets.

) 5. it takes about one and a half hours.


)i like rice dumplings, )would you like some rice dumplings , kitty ?

)yes, please .

)but ben likes salty rice dumplings .

)i don’t like salty ones .

笔试部分。一、 读单词,找出与其他不同尖的一项。(10分)

1.a.uncle b.grandson c.daughterd.grandfather

2.a.share b.kindc.friendlyd.helpful

3.a.sometime b.other c.usuallyd.never

4.a.postman b.doctor c.firemand.father

5.a.friends b.helps c.tellsd.works


1my sister is a

2let’s go to

3theis on the ground floor.


1.—whatyou usually do with your mother?

i usually go shopping with my mother.


2you been to beijing yet?

yes, i h**e been there.


3.where h**e you


4you like to be a policeman?


5.tomorrow is open day, our parentsarrive at two o’clock.


6does it take you to get to your school?

it takes me about 15 minutes to get there.

a.howb.what time c.how long

7.—what does this sign mean?

we must not the road.

a.running cross b. run cross c.run across

8kind of seafood would you like?

i’d like steamed prawns.


9we buy some oranges?

yes, i like oranges.


10.your diet isthan my diet.



1.may i h**e some pears, pleasea.twenty yuan.

2.how much fat do we need every day? b.i’d like fish.

3.h**e you bought any prawnsc.yes, i’ve bought some prawns

4.what would you like for dinner tonight? d.ok. here you are.

5.how much does it coste.we need a little fat every day.


1.he neverbell) lies.

2.i h**ebe) to tiananmen square.

3.would you likebe) a cook?

4.kitty willarrive) at two o’clock.

5.i see a lot of people when iwalk) to school.


1.what do the sign mean

a b c2.what would you like about dinner tonight

a bc3.would we buy some foot

a b c4.how many fat do we need every day

a b c5.your diet is less healthy than mine

a b c七、阅读短文,选择正确的答案(10分)

tomorrow is weekend. my father says, “let’s h**e a picnic tomorrow. shall we buy some food and drinks?

” that’s a good idea. shall we buy some soft drinks ? i’d like to h**e some lemon tea and some cola.

” says my sister. my mother says, “shall we buy some spicy sausages?” i don’t like spicy sausages.

” says my father. “why not?” they are too spicy.

they are not tasty and delicious.” tomorrow’s picnic must be fun.

1.when is weekend?


2.what would my sister like?

a.spicy sausages. b.lemon teac.cola.

3.my father spicy sausages.

a.likesb.wantsc.doesn’t like

4.my father thinks (认为) spicy sausages are

a.tastyb.deliciousc.too spicy

5.tomorrow’s picnic must

a.funb.been func.be fun

八、写作。用 always, usually, never 等词描述一下你和你家人的日常生活。(4分)

听力材料。一、 听录音,选出你所听到的单词。

1. what 3. tall 4. l 5. 45678


1. perhaps there will be more traffic jams.

2. we can use wood to make *****.

3. her photograph comes out and she reads the note on the back.

4. they h**e brought their passports.

5. it takes about one and a half hours.


would you like some rice dumplings kitty ?

yes, please .i like rice dumplings, i don’t like salty ones , but ben likes salty rice dumplings .


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