
发布 2020-05-26 14:01:28 阅读 9772


module 1 alphabet

unit 1


2、二会句型:what’s your f**ourite song? it’s abc song,unit 2

1、四会单词:toy car ship doll

2、四会句型:my f**ourite toy is toy/car ….

module 2 zoo

unit 1

1、四会单词:tiger lion elephant monkey small big fat

2、四会句型:what are they? they’re lions/monkeys/..

unit 2

1、四会单词:tree tall short thin

2、四会句型:this tree is tall. that tree is

module 3 playground

unit 1

1、四会单词:like football basketball table tennis

2、四会句型:i like football/ basketball… i don’t like football/ basketball….

unit 2

1、四会单词:swimming skipping riding bikes

2、四会句型:i like swimming/ skipping…

i don’t like swimming/ skipping…

module 4 food

unit 1

1、四会单词:meat noodles fish milk

2、四会句型:do you like meat /noodles…? yes, i do. no, i don’t.

3、二会句型:pass me the rice, please. here you are.

unit 2

1、四会单词:banbana pear orange apple

2、四会句型:do you like banana /pear…? yes, i do. no, i don’t.

3、听懂并理解unit 2 listen and point

module 5 time

unit 1

1、四会单词:get up go to school h**e lunch go home watch tv

go to bed

2、掌握英语整点报时法:at one/two… o’clock

3、四会句型:如i get up at seven o’clock. i go to school at eight o’clock…

unit 2

1、四会句型:what’s the time, please? it’s…

2、掌握英语半点报时法:half past+英文数词。

3、四会句型:i get up at half past seven.

i go to school at half past eight o’clock…

4、二会单词:h**e breakfast h**e dinner

module 6 activities

unit 1

1、四会单词: h**e english chinese maths science at the weekend sleep play

2、四会句型:what do you h**e at school? i h**e english and chinese…

what do you do at the weekend? i go swimming/watch tv….

3、扩展句型:what do you do in the morning / in the afternoon?

i go swimming/watch tv….

unit 2

1、四会单词:music art pe play basketball

2、扩展句型:结合本课四会单词熟练运用unit 1 四会句型。

如: what do you h**e at school? i h**e music and art…

what do you do at the weekend? i play basketball /watch tv….

3、听懂并理解unit 2 listen and point

module 7 festivals


module 8 seasons and weather

unit 1

1、四会单词:spring summer autumn winter warm hot cool cold fly kites

2、四会句型:it’s spring. it’s warm in spring. we fly kites in

unit 2

1、四会单词:raining sunny windy snowing very

2、四会句型:it’s warm today, but it’s raining.

3、扩展句型:what do you do in spring? i fly kites .in sping

what do you do in summer? i fly kites in

module 9 possessions

unit 1

1、四会单词: h**e got dress coat sweater t-shirt

2、四会句型: i’ve got a new…? h**e you got a …?yes, i h**e./ no, i h**en’t.

3、听懂并理解unit 2 listen and point

unit 2

1、四会单词:by bike by bus by car walk to work

2、四会句型:i/we go to school by bike. i/we go to work by

3、听懂并理解unit 2 listen and point

module 10 position

unit 1

1、四会单词:in on under box bedroom

2、四会句型:where’s…? it’s in/on/under…

unit 2

1、四会单词:in the park in the lake under the tree on the snow

2、四会句型:in spring, i fly kites in the park.

in summer, i go swimming in the

3、听懂并理解unit 2 listen and point

review module







名词单复数 一张桌子 a desk 两张桌子 two desks 一个苹果 an apple 两个苹果 two apples 一本英语书 an english book 两本英语书 two english books 主格宾格所有格。i 我me 我my 我的 you 你 你们 you 你 你们 yo...


module8 一 重点单词。monster 怪物 kite 风筝 new 新的 or 或者 don t 不 know 知道 help 救命 yes 是的 no 不 isn t 不是 bag 包。二 重点句型。1.is it a cat?它是一只小猫吗?dog?它是一只小狗吗?monster?它是一...


三年级复习资料。wordsapple 苹果morning 早晨bike 自行车 boy 男孩 afternoon 中午 ball 球cat 猫evening 晚上 kite 风筝dog 狗night 夜晚bear 熊。egg 鸡蛋umbrella 雨伞panda 熊猫fish 鱼 vegetable...