
发布 2020-05-06 02:10:28 阅读 9804




一、 john is telling something about himself. 仔细听短文,判断录音内容是否与**一致,如一致写t, 不一致写f,读三遍。(10分)

二、john is a good student. 听短文,“√出关于john的相应内容,读两遍。(10分)

三、john is telling something about his friend --kate .听短文,根据短文内容物品出现的先后,用大写字母排序,读两遍。(10分)

四、仔细听每组对话,判断下列陈述是否与对话内容相符,如相符的写t, 不相符的写f, 每题读两遍。(10分)

) 1. we h**e an old english teacher.

) 2. my chinese teacher is a university student.

) 3. i’d like some pork for lunch. they’re tasty.

) 4. he often does homework on mondays.

) 5. beef is my f**ourite food.

五、rita and sally are good friends.请将他们的对话补充完整。(10分)

rita likes ****** new friends. she has a new friend. her name is sally.

r:what daytoday, sally?


r: whatyouon fridays?

s: wechineseand

ryou like friday?

s: no, ii like weekends.

reading and writing (50%)


1. there is a bed in my bedroom. 2. i like fruits. 3. i can cook the meals.

4. oh, the grape is sour5. this is my english teacher. she is young.

二、 miss wang is asking john some questions .请跟mike一起回答,把字母编号写在题前的括号里。(10分)

) 1. -what do you h**e on tuesdays, mike?

a. do homework. b. chinese, math and science. c. i’m strong.

) 2. _your brother like ? a. who’s b. whose c. what’s

) 3. -what do youfor lunch.?

rice and meat. a. do b. go c. h**e

) 4. there __many trees in the forest. a.

are b. is c. am ( 5.

today is sunday. tomorrow is

a. saturdayb. monday c. tuesday.

) 6.i h**e many clothes in my __a. trash bin b. closet c. mirror

)7is your english teacher?

--ms wang. a. when b. who c. what

) 8. i h**e __green apple. a. a b. an c. some

( )9. i oftenbooks on saturday. a. see b. watch c. read

( )10. there __any flowers near the river.

a. h**eb. aren’tc. is

三、john has something to tell us. 根据短文内容和首字母,将mike的介绍补充完整。(10分)

my name is mike. i usually h**e t___and e___on mondays . i like tofu very much .

i can do many housework . i can s___the f___m___the b___s___the t___every day , i go to school on foot. my f**ourite teacher is miss ye.

she is s___but f___after school, i often play f___with my friends. my best friend is tom. he has big and beautiful room .

there is a m___a wa c___a s___and an ain his room. there are two green c___and there are many books o___the shelf. can you guess what’s n___the table ?

oh, it’s a t___bin .


1. what do you h**e for supper

2. who’s your f**ourite teacher

3. what can you do

4. what’s your mother like

5. is your father a doctor

五、john is introducing a farm to us. 阅读短文,根据短文内容,选择正确的字母编号,将正确答案的字母编号写在题前的括号里。(10分)

a nice farm

there is a beautiful farm near my home . the farmers there grow rice and wheat . they h**e many farm animals there.

but they don’t use them to do farm work . they use tractor . we often go to the farm after school .

we can play with the animals , walk , read books or help the farmers pick corn there. i like walking or doing some reading on the farm , because the air there is nice and clean .

you can see a lake on the farm . there are many fish in the lake . we often go fishing on saturdays and sundays .

we often swim in the lake in summer and skate on it in winter , too.


苏教版小学语文五年级 下册 期末测试 一 知识的积累与基本技能 45分 1 读拼音,在括号内填写词语。12分 x i j mp i qi n m n k x n zhu n sh xi o lbo l m o y h n z oz o 干暴 r nr n 入岩。2 选择正确读音。3分 濒 bin b...


东关小学五年级语文质量检测试卷。第一部分积累与运用。请仔细阅读题目,按照要求把正确答案涂在答题卡上的相应位置。1 下列括号中的读音全部正确的是哪一组?a 宿舍 sh 瞪眼 d n 蹬车 d n 惭愧 c iku b 艄公 sh o 刹那 ch 盐碱 ji n 山涧 ji n c 咀嚼 ji o 蹬车...


2014 2015学年度第一学期五年级语文学科期末试卷。时间 100分钟总分 120分。一 读拼音,在括号中填上相应的词语。8分 ku n d i du n li ndu n y ju b d n wh i ji ng f ng x cu sh u b j 2 在正确的读音或汉字下画 8分 抽搐 c...