
发布 2020-05-06 00:45:28 阅读 4806


一、 选出下面每组划线部分读音与其他选项不同的一项。(10分)

) 1. a. sheb. hec. red

) 2. a. home b. dogc. nose

) 3. a. dadb. name c. cake

) 4. a. bikeb. fishc. rice

) 5. a. bread b. seatc. read


autumn 船,舟get up扔雪球。

bad 吹;刮风good idea堆雪人。

blow 秋天throw snowball 去游泳。

boat 把…..弄干净 go swimming 起床。

clean 坏的;严重的 make a snowman 好主义。


1. -may i come in

a. yes, pleaseb. no, go outc. come in

2. -may i use your pen

a. certainlyb. here you arec. yes, i can borrow you

3. i want to send some a present___our teacher

a forb. toc. with

4. the cat is __near the desk.

a. to sleepb. sleepingc. sleep

5. -thank you

a. yes, pleaseb. i h**en’t done well c. that’s ok

6. -is that helen speaking

a. yes, i am no, i am not helen

7. _there any children under the tree?

a. amb. isc. are

8. look___the picture.

a. tobc. at

9. the bed __next to the desk.

a. amb. isc. are

10. my room is small, _it’s very nice.

a. and b. soc. but



a. happy new year b. happy birthday c. happy teachers’ day


a. who are youb. .who is hec. who is that speaking


a. i am liu mei b. liu mei is calling you c. this is liu mei speaking


a. i want to call li shan b. is li shan in c. may i speak to li shan

5. 有人对你说谢谢时,你应该说。

a. that’s right b. you are welcome c. i am not good

6. 假如你去了西安,想问别人兴庆公园在哪,你应该说。

a. hello, where is xingqing park b. excuse me, where is xingqing park

c. please tell me xingqing park


like it very much very much like it c. i very like it much

8. 当别人过生日时,你应该说。

a. happy everyday b, happy birthday c. i happy new year


a. stand a moment a rest c. wait a moment


a. there be b. h**e c. has


1. what it is ?

2. school over is .

3. a thanks lot .

4. the weather what is like today ?

5. we shall boating go in xingqing park


1. it’s time to get up

2. we h**e no classes

3. it is sunday today

4. they are on the seesaw

5. how is the weather




flowergo boating __

在、、、之外snowy __

rubber bootsspring __

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