
发布 2020-05-06 00:42:28 阅读 5145

一、 写出下列字母的左邻右舍。(每空0.5分,共5分)

1.__m __2. _e___3jj___4. _t___

5. _oo___


1. y __ung(年轻的) 2. th__rsday(星期四) 3. qu__ et (文静的)

4. s w__ t( 甜的) 5. oct __b___r (十月) 6. k___ngar__ 袋鼠)

7. sw___ng (荡秋千) 8 . h__n___y(蜂蜜9. k___tch___n (厨房)

10. beh__nd (在……后面) 11. br___kfast(早饭) 12. c__ ll__ct (收集)

13. exp___rim__nt (实验) 14 . ins__cts (昆虫) 15. s___met__mes(有时候)


1. grandfather(口语2. run (现在分词)__3. ninth(基数词)__

4. second(简写)__5. tue.

(完整形式)__6. november(缩写7. fish (复数8.

too (同音词9. twelve(序数词10. do not (缩写)__11.

who’s(完全形式 (反义词13. rain(形容词。

14. h**e (现在分词 (宾格)__


1. 接**2. 爬山3. 铺床。

4. 捉蝴蝶5. 堆雪人6. 晨练。

7. 听**8. 洗碗碟9. 弹钢琴___

10.扫地11. put away the clothes

12. empty the trash13. moral education

14. university student15. december the first


) 1. the fish is __

a. swimming b. swim c. swiming

) 2. come and h**e a look __the ants.

a. for b. at c. to

) 3. she is running __us.

a. for b. at c. to

) 4. there is a call __you.

a. for b. with c. to

) 5. –which season do you like best ?

a. summer b. september c. monday

) do ants __eat?

a. like b. like to c. likes

) 7. therea closet and a desk.

a. the b. is c. are

) 8. he can’t go hiking, _a. too b. either c. to

) 9. she is __university student.

a. a b. an c. the

)10. the elephant is drinking water with___trunk.

a. it’s b. its c. it’s

)11. are there any tall buildings?

a. yes, it is . b. yes, there is . c. no, there aren’t.

)12. we can help __

a. she b. he c. her

)13. do you see __animals?

a. some b. any c. an

)14. he is writing __e-mail in the study.

a. an b. a c. the

)15. every __to get birthday cards.

a. like b. likes c. can


)1. a. april b. august c. active

)2. a. saturday b. september c. sunday

)3. a. five b. first c. fifth

)4. a. swim b. sleep c. summer

)5. a. pork b. plantc. mutton

)6. a. date b. lunch c. dinner

)7. a. kind b. kitec. thin

)8. a. sour b. springc. salty

)9. a. when b. workc. why

)10. a. inb. underc. uncle


) tigers really swima. he’s tall.

) he likeb. mr wang.

) do you h**e on fridays? c. i can water the flowers.

)4. is your mother cooking dinner? d. we h**e and art

e. it’s june 26th.

) the date todayf. no, they can’t.

)6. who’s your math teacher? g. i’m doing homework.

) can you doh. he is in the woods.

) are you doingi. yes, she is .

)9. why do you like summer? j. because i can swim.

)10. where is zhang peng?


1. i’m reading a book.(改为一般疑问句)

reading a book?

2. she is playing chess.(对画线部分提问)

she __

3. they are fighting.( 改为否定句)


4. i h**e eggplant and rice for lunch. (对画线部分提问)


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