
发布 2020-04-03 07:12:28 阅读 2373



反义) 反义) 反义。

反义) 指人)


1.看起来像 2.一点儿 3.中等高度 4.中等身体

5.戴眼镜 6.最后7.卷发8. 短发。

9.去购物 10.受某人欢迎 11.讲笑话 12.大鼻子


very tall andheisofm___build.


卷曲的)huan is a very famous s in china.

r me to your english teacher.

do you s this in english?


1. my friend is of medium __high).2. the girl___not know)me.

meet at nine.--ok, see you__(late).4. please give__ they) books.

5. i'd like you___meet) my parents 6. listen! who __sing) in the room?

7. tom usually__(get) up at six o'clock in the morning.8. she likes_(draw) pictures.

9. mrs li _ live) in china last year10. look! the boys__ play) football over there.

11. mary is so kind, so sheh**e) a lot offriend).

12. thank you for __buy) me a pair ofshoe)

13. i enjoy___read) books, because they are veryinterest).

14. she usuallywear) glasses. look! she __glasses now.

your f**orite __sing)? where is the __art) from?

四、单选。 ) stop __it’s time for meeting. a. talks b. talking c. to talk

) always __a red dress and white shoes. a. puts on b. wears c. in

) s she __she is shy. a. likes b. to like c. like d. liking

) li is the man __long hair. a. with b. and c. from d. for

) old is his father?-he is thirty _.a. years b. years old c. old d. year old

) can now __a lot of chinese a. say b. talk c. tell d. speak

) don’t like the pen. please show me___one. a. the other b. other c. another

) he tall __short?—he’s __medium or, of b. or, with c. and, of

) father is a little fat. he loves to___jokes. a. tell b. speak

) me __you what he___like. a. to tell, look b. tell, look c. to tell, looks

( father isquiet. a. a lot b. little c. a little

( 12.13. i’m new in the city and___knows b. nobody c. all

( 13. i can go, but i___late. a. maybe little b. maybe a little c. may be a little

( )wears to

( )stop a rest if you feel h**e

( )16. stop to music:the teacher is liste

( )loves say tell

( )benshan likes

( )remember him to open the the door is still closed.

tell ( )20.__people do the same thing __a. different, different b.

different, differently c. differently, different d. differently, differently



1). 她/他长得什么样子? what does he/she

2). 他们长得什么样子? what __they

3). 她个子是高还是矮she tall

4). 他长着长发还是短发he h**e __hair __short hair


1)他很高/矮/中等身高。 he __tallheight.

她长得很瘦/胖/中等身材。she __thin/ _of

2)她留着长的直发。 shelong hair.

3)表示穿着、戴着眼镜(帽子)用wear。他戴着一幅眼镜。he __a pair of __

3. .is that your brother?(作否定回答)no

4. my father is not he**y or thin.(同义句)my father is

5. gloria and anna h**e brown hair. (一般)__gloria and anna __brown hair?

6. jack has a big nose. (small选择) does jack h**e a big nose __nose?[网]

7. mrs. dean is tall and he**ymrs. dean look like?


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