
发布 2020-03-28 15:01:28 阅读 4816




二、用所给单词的适当形式填空(10分)1、thewatch) are reading .

2、how manymango) are there in the basket?3、are there anychild) in the library?4、look, there is alibrary) over there.

5、can you put thesebook) on your head?6、do you likedog)?7.do you h**e anyhobby)?

8.last week weh**e ) arun ) race at school.9.that girl cansing ) french songs.

10.miss li lives on thetwo ) floor in this building.三、从下列各题所给的四个选项中选择正确的一项。(24分)()1.we usually play footballsunday.

a. inb. onc. atd. to

)2.—theresome meat on the plate.

a. isb. arec. amd. be

)3.—what is mum doing now?—shesome clothes.

a. washesb. is washingc. washedd. has washed

)4.there isn’twater in the glass. let’s go and get some.

a. manyb. lotsc. anyd. some

)5.—why are you walking to school?—because myis broken(坏了).

a. radiob. watchc. biked. bag

)6.mike looksthan paul, but they are of the same age(相同的年纪).

a. youngestb. the youngestc. youngerd. very young

) can play __the clean dog after class.

inc. ) your mother __huizhou? yes, she is.

goes toc.

) you __a good time ?

) do you h**e __lunch?

) it __in guangzhou?

a. ) many __are there under the tree?

a. manb. womenc.

) 13.__does ben go to school?by bus.

a. often

)14.__is that?that’s my

) 15. i usually ride the bike after school __the() 16. i get up __7:

00 every inb. the() friend likes __

and swimmingb. cook and and and cook() 18.__is your birthday?

a. whereb. whenc.

time()19. my grandmother is___old.

a. seventiethb. seventy yearc. seventy yearsd. seventies

)20.__people visit this museum every day.

a. two hundredsc. twohundred ofd. two hundreds of()21. monday is the second day, and___

a. tuesday is the fourth dayb. thursday is fifthc.

the second day is tuesdayd. the second day is thursday

)22.there aren’t __apples in the basket, but there are some on the table.a.someb.anyc. are __they are on the chair.

a.tony's booksb.tony's bookc.tony is books()24.there are __students in our class.that is 19 boys and 21 girls。a.fortyb.fourtyc.四、根据所给中文意思,在空白处填入适当词语完成句子。每空一词(11分)1.是时候吃晚饭了。

it’s time to2.安娜年纪太小。

ann is


___therefruit treesthe farm? yes4.谁比jim年纪大?

___isthan jim?


isoris,i think.6.谁的苹果更重,你的姐姐的还是你的弟弟的?。

applesyour __or your __五、按要求写句子。(7分)

1. i saw a movie with my parents last week. (改一般疑问句,并作否定回答 was rainy yesterday.(写两个同义句)

did my homework for about an hour.(改一般疑问句)

is 12 .jim is 12,too .(合并为一句)

. )连词成句)

. )连词成句)


1.i’m ten years old and my sister is two years older than me,so she is tyears old。2.chinese people are very good at table t___and it's our f**orite sport.3.lingling is reading books in the school lnow.4.i h**e a pen friend,and i always send l___to him.5.what's yourfruit?

6.what’s the wlike in spring? it's warm.

7.my uncle is a worker.he works in a f8.your f___and your m___are your parents.

9.don't take this book because it is mine.yis on the table.阅读短文。(5分)

one day, bruce played in front of a house. a woman came and asked bruce,“little boy, is yourmother at home?”

yes, she is,”answered(回答) the boy.

then the woman went over to ring the bell(按门铃). the bell rang and rang(响了一遍又一遍), but no one came to open the door. the woman got angry and called out to him,“you told meyour mother was at home, didn’t you?

”yes,”the boy answered.“my mother is at home, but this isn’t my home.”(31.one day, bruce played

a. in a parkb. in the streetc.

in front of a shopd. in front of a house()32.the woman wanted to see

a. bruce’s motherb. bruce’s fatherc.

bruced. nobody()33.the woman went over toafter she talked with knock at the door of the houseb. ring the bell of the housec.

give a call to his motherd. ask his mother some questions()34.the woman gotbecause no. one came to open the pleased(愉快的)b.

surprised(惊讶的)c. angryd. afraid(害怕的)()35.in the story the woman didn’t find bruce’s mother becausea.

she went to the wrong houseb. she didn’t know bruce’s motherc. bruce was not at homed.

bruce didn’t h**e a mother六、作文(20分)

a) tom和他的同班同学上星期去远足。他们在那里打了排球。他们还打了篮球。



b) lily有一间漂亮的房子。房子很大。里面有三间卧室,一个阳台和两个起居室。




六年级上英语期末专题训练完成句子广东开心英语 ,无答案

六年级期末专题训练四 完成句子 i watch tv every day.用yesterday 改写句子 they cooked food yesterday.改为否定句 what s the matter with you?改为同义句 tony should see the dentist.改为一...


开心英语六年级下册期中测试练习。班级姓名学号分数 一 中译英。1.小号2.打乒乓球 3.骑自行车 4.喝牛奶 5.考试不合格 6.染上 疾病。7.获胜 原形8.忘记。二 根据所给字母提示,联系上下文意思,写出正确的单词。do you play the drum.i b the drum monkey...


一 班级概况 六年级共一个班,共49。班级人数多,导致两极分化,差生较多。其中一部分学习努力,成绩优秀,另一部分,学习态度消极,思想懒惰,接受能力慢,自觉性差。因此在复习时应该重点抓差生,加大练习量,提高学生的口头表达和书写能力。二 复习目标 通过复习,使学生进一步掌握单词 句型,等基础知识。三 复...