
发布 2020-03-27 02:09:28 阅读 1845


h___a funny party last w

are seven days in a wthere are t___months in a year.

like ****** pumpkin lanterns at halloween.

usually make and eat chocolate e___at easter.

green w___to the park with his family last saturday.

boat festival is in m___or j

skateboard is it?is it yno,m___is here. me,w___is the toilet?

sorry,i don’t and a___that can a___you.

the sixth of mwomen’s day is coming.

in c___usually eat m___c___at mid-autumn festival.

speak american and australian speak e



is it?it’s my


are they?they’re


___thisyes,it’s __her


what’son theit’s my


___is thisit’smy


are these?they’re


are they



we’veagrandparents. can youitus? sure.


ia lot of deliciouswith my __under alast

8.元旦在什么时候?它在一月一日 。

day?it’s __theof january.


what dousually doday? they usuallyat school.


___youto alast year?yes,i did.

i very


mid-autumn festival?it’s __september or october. 人们通常干什么?他们通常赏月、吃月饼。

what dousually do?they usuallytheand


you __thelast mid-autumn festival? no,iilanterns with my


bena film with hislast


1. the football under the table ishe).

2. helenvisit) her grandparent on sunday.

3. did youwatch) a film last week .

4. i'd likeh**e) a party.

5. they arewater) flowers at home .

6. we (milk) cows ahd picked apples on a farm .

7. helen's familybe) at home last sunday .

8. please open (they) fori ).

9. the new mirror is (she).

10. jim likes (watch) tv very much .

11. they (go) to a farm on christmas day .

12. (do) ben and mike (go) to school together ?

13. suyang is (look) for (she) camera now .

year's day iscome).

15. we (help) her with (do) housework just now .

16. shelikelisten) to music.

17. peoplego) to the park every morning .

18. listen! the girlsing) over there .

19. mikeh**e)a blue ballnoon. and i (h**e) a green one .

20. there (be) some bread on the plate .can i (h**e) some ?

21. let’s (clean) the windows.

22. when’s (he) birthday ?

23. now the children are (sing) the song .

24. ben often (h**e) breakfast at seven in the morning .

25. i (be) at school a moment ago ,i (be) at home now .

26. the girl (visit) doctor wang last month .

27. sunday is the (one) day of a week.

28. can you help (shedo) housework?

29. listen ! the little girl is (cry).

30. the man in a white shirt is the park (keep).

31. there was an (excite) volleyball match in their school last week.

32. they are going to h**e a sports day on the (twenty-one) of december.

33. would you like (any) bread ?

34. my birthday’s on the (three) of november.

35. today is (teachers) day.

(not) like listening to music.


1 用 激 字组成不同的词语填入句中。王叔叔是老山前线的战斗英雄,他满怀 地讲述了一次与越南侵略军进行 战斗,全歼敌人的经过。听完报告以后,我们的心情非常 英雄的事迹将永远 我们前进。2 与 举国上下 中的 举 字义相同的是 a.举例说明 b.一举一动 c.举止文明 d.举世闻名。3 选择恰当的关联...


一 选择题 1 加点字读音完全相同的一组是 a 看望看家看云识天 b 方便便饭便宜从事c 仿佛佛祖乐山大佛 d 强大勉强身强力壮2 有错别字的一组是 a 英雄气概遵守稍微 b 阴谋诡计通讯恳切。c 实事求是急躁恼怒 d 川流不息从新竟赛。二 日常的几个模糊时间你能想出几个,填填看!天即将亮的时候天快...


一 选择填序号。8分 1加点的字注意完全正确的一项是 a 喷香 p n 散步 sn 哄动 h ng 处所 ch b 喷水 p n 松散 sn 哄骗 hng 处理 ch c 喷射 p n 散开 s n 哄笑 hng 到处 ch d 喷泉 p n 零散 s n 哄人 hng 相处 ch 2 下列组词正确...