
发布 2020-03-19 12:43:28 阅读 6575



1、长着大眼睛的女警2、 买一些面包。


5、在操场上6、see the doctor

7、near the train station8、two bottles of juice

9、climb trees10、be late for class


1. isn’t (完全形式2. can’t(完全形式。

3. do not (缩略形式4. there(反义词。

5. purse (复数形式6. two(同音词。

7. his (对应词8. this(对应词。

9. you (复数10. nancy(名词所有格)__


) 1. how manycan you see?

a. apple b. cats c. dog

2. give mepens.

a. two b. anc. a

) 3. can isome noodles, please?

a. like b. has c. h**e

) 4. letclean the blackboard.

a. ib. me c. our

) 5. what’sname? his name is zhang peng.

a. his b. her c. your

) 6. what colour is your english book?

a. 9b. it’s big. c. it’s yellow.

) 7. do you like sports?

a. yes, i don’t. b. yes, i do. c. no, i do.

) would you like for lunch?

a. yes, i like. b. i’d like some chicken. c. i don’t like rice.

) 9. what can you see in my room?

a. i can see a bed. b. it’s nice. c. i h**e two windows.

) 10. where are the keys?

a. it’s on the desk. b. they’re on the table. c. they’re on the table.

)11. —where __the milkon the table .

a. are; they’re b. is; it’s c. is; they’re

)12. —something toorange juice , please .

a. eat b. drink c. h**e

)13. therea blackboard and some bookcases in the classroom.

a. isb. are c. h**e

)14in the boxsome chocolate .

a. what’s; it’s b. what’s ;there’s c. where’s ;there are

)15. —how __are they? —twenty yuan.

a. much b. many c. old

)16. we can see lots of bowls in the

a. classroom b. bathroom c. cupboard

)17. excuse me,is this bus __the theatre?

a. forb. toc. of

) is __airport in beijing.

a. ab. an c. some

) 19. who’s the woman __the red dress?

a .with b. in c. on

)20. —what’s __job? —he’s a driver .

a. her b. hisc. their

)21. _that woman with big eyes?

a. who’s b. whose c. who’s

)22. _you free now?

a. are b. isc. are

)23. what can you __in the picture?

a. seeb. look c. watch

)24. dad, there’s __juice in the fridge.

a. no b. no c. on



a、i want to play ping-pong. b、let’s play ping-pong.

c、you can play ping-pong.


ming is in front of the school.

ming is inside the school.

ming is outside the school.


a、turn left. b、turn right. c、go straight.


a、red is stop. b、yellow is wait. c、yellow is go.


a、i want to buy a dress. b、i don’t want to buy a shirt.

c、i don’t want to buy a dress.


a、i can show you. b、i can see you. c、i can work.


see a dog in a purple hat.

see a goat in a purple hat.

see a goat in a red hat.


you fly?

you play cards?

you swim?


elephant is dreaming.

monkeys are hugging.

lion is lonely.


do monkey eat? b. what do they eat?

c. monkeys eat bananas.


) 1. where are the idea.


2010 2011学年第二学期期末试卷。小学四年级数学。一 我会填一填。22分 1 9.45是由9个 4个 和5个 组成的。2 一个八数,最高位上是1,百万位上的数是7,千位上是最大的一位数,其余各位上都是零,这个数是读作。3 民家超市存款五亿四千零六十二万,写作。改写成万作单位是 估算一下大约是 ...


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