
发布 2020-03-18 04:28:28 阅读 9173


1.( a. cc b. ii c. dd d. vv

2.( a. ff b. kk c. yy d. aa

3.( a. oo b. ll c. ss d. nn

4.( a. hh b. qq c. uu d. xx

5.( a. ee b. pp c. mm d. rr


crayon light picture board window


miss white: let’s clean the classroom. please擦黑板。

扫地) and挂上**).

mike: sarah请开门).

john: amy请打开灯).

a. please open the door b. please turn on the light

c. sweep the floord. clean the board

e. put up the picture


)1. thismy classroom

a. am b. is c. are d. /

)2. —what’sthe classroom?

a board, two lights, many desks and chairs.

a. on b. in c. under d. near

)3. we h**e 6 new

a. light b. lights c. nights d. night

)4go and h**e a look.

a. let’s b. let c. let us d. let’s

)5. amy: where’s your seat?

mikea. it near the door. b. let’s go and h**e a look!

c. it’s the door. d. it’s near the door.

)6. mike

miss white: thank you!

a. let me clean board. b. let’s me clean the board.

c. let me clean the board d. let clean the board

)7. —let’s clean the window

a. yes. b. ok. c. sorry. d. excuse me.

)8. where is the milkyou know?

a. do b. do c. are d. are

)9. letclean the fish bowl.

a. my b. i c. me d. our

)10. wherethe twenty desks?

a. be b. am c. is d. are



ab cde

) 1. this is a teacher’s desk.

) 2. this is a computer.

) 3. this is a sharpener.

) 4. this is a fan.

) 5. this is a blackboard.


1. new, my, is, desk, this

2. day, every, fun, h**e, we

3. window, the, let, clean, me

4. near, door, it’s, the

5. computer, the, green, is


ab1. where’s my pena. many books.

2. let’s clean the window. b. oh, it’s nice.

3. what’s in the deskc. it’s in your pencil-case.

4. thank youd. all right.

5. look at the picturee. you are welcome.


this is a clock. it’s on the wall of my room. may-

be you don’t know it. now let me tell you something

about it. it has two hands. one is long, the other is

short. the long hand is minute hand and there are

60 minutes in an hour. the short hand is the hour hand and there are 24 hours in a day.

what time is it now? it’s two o’clock. i must do my homework now. goodbye!

) 1. the clock is on the wall of my room.

) 2. the long hand is the hour hand.

) 3. there are 60 hours in a day.

) 4. there are 1440 minutes in a day.

) 5. you may know the time from the clock.


) 1. a. bedb. bag

) 2. a. penb. pencil

) 3. a. lamp b. fat

) 4. a. picture b. fifty

) 5. a. catb. car


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