
发布 2020-03-06 23:03:28 阅读 3684








)1. door ( 2. window3. clock4. chopsticks

)5. jacket ( 6. oranges7. spoon8. socks

)9. knives (


abcde .

) 1. it’s a bed.

) 2. —are these apples? —no, they’re watermelons.

) 3. it is a white pillow.

) 4. this is my skirt

) 5. i h**e two cups.


) plateb. forkc. cake

) strawberry b. colorc. cherry

) blueb. yellow c. short

) boxb. breadc. sandwich

) fourteenb. greenc. twenty




5、on .单项选择。(20分)

) 1. _he h**e a plate?

a. does b. doc. is

) 2. —is that __orange door? —yes, it is.

a. ab. thec. an

) 3is my book?

it’s on the table.

a. what b. whenc. where

) 4. —what color is this? —it’s .

a. a bed b. blackc. 12 o’clock

) 5. my pants __on the chair.

a. areb. isc. am

6. —how many are there?

—there are twenty.

a. cherries b. cherry c. cherrys

) 7. she __glasses.

a. h**eb. hasc. is

) 8. there __one bowl.

a. areb. amc. is

) 9. 你想告诉妈妈铅笔在盒子里面,你应该说:

a. the pencils are on the box.

b. the pencils are under the box.

c. the pencils are in the box.

) 10.如果你想对别人说“打扰了”,该说:

a. excuse me. b. that’s right. c. that’s ok.


a. black b. peaches c. thirteen d. morning e. forks

f. panda g. white h. two i. happy

1. the is and __

2. goodhow are you?

3. i h**e

4. —what are these? —they’re

5. tony and jenny are .

6. it’s o’clock.

7. there arestrawberries.



gogo : 1

tony : good morning , gogo!

gogo : 2

tony : it’s a pear.

gogo : 3

tony : it’s yellow.

gogo :do you like pears?

tony : 4

gogo :here you are.

tony : 5



1. is / what / time / it /?

2. white / it’s / cat / a /.

3. you / do / h**e / cups /?

4. o’clock / eleven / is / it /?

5. h**e / i / don’t / pens /.


密 名 姓 封班 学年级 小 中心线镇 强 富 整答准。不。内晰 工内理 清线处要封卷 写密试 书 废 卷净作 干按 答要则 意面否,不注卷题 2014 2015学年度第二学期三年级英语期末测。试题。题号一二三四五六七总分得分。一 填写对应的大小写字母。30分 二 选出不同类的单词。10分 1a b...


三年级上册单词。unit1duck dk 鸭子。panda pnd 熊猫。bear be 熊。pig pig 猪。rabbit rbit 兔子。bird bd 鸟。mouse mas 老鼠。unit2book bk 书。bag bg 书包。pen pen 钢笔。pencil pens l sil 铅...


2015 2016年度第一学期。小学三年级英语期末试卷。一 写出下列字母对应的大写或小写字母。每空1分,共10分 bdgqy rajif 二 选出下列单词和词组的汉语意思。每小题1分,共 20分 1 monkey a 火车11 sharpener k 老鼠。2 pencil box b 面条12 p...