
发布 2020-01-14 15:32:28 阅读 1820




every saturday, sunday my extracurricular class andschool homework is very much, i can't play, can not sleep,watching tv, feel so tired so tired!

i think every day, if someone can help me! help me packmy school bag class, do homework, take notes, and so on,then i know the more relaxed and happy. one day, i waswriting my homework, suddenly appeared a 10 "human cloning",a, said:

"your dream we all know, now you give us thetask?" i can be happy is broken. a, i said:

"you'll finishenglish homework now. b you finish writing chinese homeworknow. c # you finish writing math homework now.

# d you getenglish now schoolbag...j you clean my room. now you startto plete my task now.

" i a took my documents began to lookat it, and to watch tv for a while, then sleep...i am veryhappy, i had a very happy.

you also want to h**e such a "clone"? as i am carefreehappy to spend every day?







wither lily has uncovered traces on the desk, chair ofthe static but wait for the ing of the death, perhapssomeone will next second lifting me into the place full ofnarcotic drugs, bring me any organ transplant to the other,then i would like a useless garbage were destroyed, because,i am a clone.

why is that? why they make me so small i, although isthe cloned man, but also is the life, why live in adifferent world? we h**e the same face, the same body, samehobby is not the same treatment?

why is my fate to peopleat the mercy of, will not be able to own. why do they sigh,life is short, but has been contempt for me? trample uponme?

why the girl must live, and my life is irrelevant? no!i want to grasp life, i'm not so clever!

the grimace of agrin, i take the two strains of lily in the waist, climbdown the corridor. "stop, clone 171, stop!" guard's voicewas near, hehe!

gather around played a more and more mentin suession, hum, let's talk, such as the following, i'lllet you regret was born in this world! quietly away fromblowing up, as has played h**oc played h**oc, unexpectedly!"look, she seemed to be explosive!

" do not know the mancried not sensible, damn! think, i h**e been nimble guardscaught! i hate, she must be very proud now?

myself willh**e a new organ, the cost of, just a nidering clone, apiece of cake.










导语 克隆是指生物体通过体细胞进行的无性繁殖,以及由无性繁殖形成的基因型完全相同的后代个体组成的种群。通常是利用生物技术由无性生殖产生与原个体有完全相同基因的个体或种群。下面是小编为大家整理的,克隆英语作文 希望对大家有所帮,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注cnfla学习网!every s...


关于克隆的高二英语作文篇1 随着我们科技的发展,克隆越来越贴近我们的生活。看着另一个你可能是一件有趣的事,然而,有些人认为这会带来很多麻烦,比如如何辨别哪个是真实的。在我看来,我们不需要克隆你的整个身体。比如你掉了一个手指,他们就可以给你克隆一个新的手指。这在医学上有很好的应用。因此,我认为我们应该...


叮铃铃铃 闹钟响个不停,可我双眼发涩,也睁不开。咚咚咚咚 是在敲门 是在催我起床上学。唉,真想在家美美地睡上,真去上学去做作业 克隆就好了 在家睡大觉,让克隆娃去上学 嗨!对呀,这好主意!我顿时兴奋,从后颈窝使劲拔了一根汗毛,摊在手掌心,学着孙悟空那样,往我的克隆机里一吹,喊声 变 刹那间,一模的 ...