
发布 2019-12-28 14:24:28 阅读 9206


下面是为大家整理的,克隆英语作文 。希望对大家有所帮,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注cnfla学习网!

every saturday, sunday my extracurricular class and school homework is very much, i can't play, can not sleep, watching tv, feel so tired so tired!

i think every day, if someone can help me! help me pack my school bag class, do homework, take notes, and so on, then i know the more relaxed and happy. one day, i was writing my homework, suddenly appeared a 10 "human cloning", a, said:

"your dream we all know, now you give us the task?" i can be happy is broken. a, i said:

"you'll finish english homework now. b you finish writing chinese homework now. c # you finish writing math homework now.

# d you get english now schoolbag...j you clean my room. now you start to complete my task now.

" i a took my documents began to look at it, and to watch tv for a while, then sleep...i am very happy, i had a very happy.

you also want to h**e such a "clone"? as i am carefree happy to spend every day?







wither lily has uncovered traces on the desk, chair of the static but wait for the coming of the death, perhaps someone will next second lifting me into the place full of narcotic drugs, bring me any organ transplant to the other, then i would like a useless garbage were destroyed, because, i am a clone.

why is that? why they make me so small i, although is the cloned man, but also is the life, why live in a different world? we h**e the same face, the same body, same hobby is not the same treatment?

why is my fate to people at the mercy of, will not be able to own. why do they sigh, life is short, but has been contempt for me? trample upon me?

why the girl must live, and my life is irrelevant? no! i want to grasp life, i'm not so clever!

the grimace of a grin, i take the two strains of lily in the waist, climb down the corridor. "stop, clone 171, stop!" guard's voice was near, hehe!

gather around played a more and more comment in succession, hum, let's talk, such as the following, i'll let you regret was born in this world! quietly away from blowing up, as has played h**oc played h**oc, unexpectedly! "look, she seemed to be explosive!

" do not know the man cried not sensible, damn! think, i h**e been nimble guards caught! i hate, she must be very proud now?

myself will h**e a new organ, the cost of, just a nidering clone, a piece of cake.

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