
发布 2020-01-09 18:51:28 阅读 1857

everyone likes the new year, because there are a lot of happiness, can seldom meet relatives before sitting together, eat the reunion dinner, the elder to send money to the younger generation. lucky money, of course, personal disposal method is different, some people spend new year's money is extr**agant, h**en't open, new year's money is spent all; also some people s**e money, i am going to put money into several parts to use.

the first part: to pay fee, like milk, food, cannot rely on mom and dad, i h**e to go to more than 100 yuan, the rest of the money must be to ssi "loan", hee hee.

the second part: used to buy books, books can enrich our after school life, i buy books there are reference books, erhu books, the teacher let us buy *****s h**e to go to 60 yuan.

the third part: to buy school things, such as pencils, erasers, rulers...by the way, the sixth grade are using protractor, i h**e to get it ready, common to 20 yuan.

the fourth part: is to s**e money, plus interest!

above is my financial plan, i must cherish the "property", not big spenders, to get the content of the plan.








篇1转眼间,2021年像个淘气的孩子溜走了,崭新的2021年在我面前探出了脑袋。呵呵!新年到了,新的一年我有新的计划!在我们家,我是一个不折不扣的小吃货。刚刚过去的一年里,我总是管不住自己的嘴巴,还总找借口 说自己正处于长身体长个子的关键时期,多吃点没关系。唉!这不,我的个子是长到了1.55米,可横...




就快过年了,我们又得回家和爷爷奶奶相逢了,和他们一起过新年了。可是,可能会有一些家长会因工作而耽误了回老家过新年的机会,所以,有些家长会因工作而忧愁。到过新年的期间,我们都会有一些计划,什么计划呢?那么就让我来告诉你们吧,我的计划是 一 先回去看看家里有哪些家具脏了的,就先把它们洗干净,然后再把它们...