
发布 2020-01-09 14:15:28 阅读 8485

1.请您点好here is your change.

2.不用谢,这是我应该做的。 you are welcome.3.请您缴费your toll fee, please .

4.谢谢您的表扬thank you ( for your praise.)5.别客气you are welcome

6.请您不要发脾气please do not be angry.7.

请您听我解释please listen to my explanation8.您违反了规定,请交差额部分you’ve broken therules, please make up for the balance.9.


10.您走好take care of yourself11.打扰您了excuse me.

12.请原谅,我搞错了i hope you can excuse mefor my mistake.

13.请不要误会,我们是按照上级文件规定执行。pleasedon’ regulation.

14.让您久等了iamsorryto h**ekeptyouwaiting so long.

15.欢迎您再来承德。 welcome to chengde again.16.欢迎行驶京承高速公路。welcometojingcheng


17.我要请示一下上级。 i h**e to consult my superior.18.这是找您的钱。 here is your change.

19.对不起,您应补交通行费××元iamsorry,anextraof××yuan, please.

20.这里距北京150公里。 it is 150 kilometers tobeijing.

21.对不起我没听清请再说一遍。pardon? /i bag yourpardon?

22.祝您路途愉快。 h**e a nice trip!

23.这是我们应该做的。 you are welcome.

24.请缴纳人民币。 pay it in rmb, please.


35 yuan, please. 70 yuan, please .100 yuan, please.120 yuan, please.

26.谢谢合作thank you for your cooperation.27.

请收好钱、票。 here is your money and ticket.28.

对不起i am sorry!29.再见good bye

30.我能为您做些什么can i help you?31.祝您一路平安h**e a good trip.32.雨天路滑请您慢行。

be careful, the road is slippery.

33.雪天路滑请您慢行becareful,theroadisslippery34.请稍等wait a moment , please .

35.多少钱?how much?

36.欢迎您来到承德welcome to chengde

37.京承高速全长79公里。theexpresswayis79kilometers long in chengde.

38.这里距承德市区68公里it is 68 kilometers awayto chengde city .

39.对不起,您能说中文吗?sorry, but can you speakchinese?


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