
发布 2020-01-04 13:18:28 阅读 5243

1、admit vt.接纳;允许进入(某组织、机构、单位等);允许进入(地区或场地);承认(一般指坏了、错了);容许有;有……的余地。

he was admitted to school. 他被录取入学。

this ticket will admit you to the football match. 凭这张票你可以去看足球赛。

the boy admitted h**ing done wrong. 那个男孩承认做错了。

the new product admits of improvement. 这种新产品容许改进。

2、honor n. [u]名誉,名声,面子,体面;敬意,尊敬[c]光荣的人(事、物) v.给……荣誉/光荣。

the athletes competed for the honor of their country. 运动员们为了国家的荣誉而竞争。

he tried his best to s**e his honor. 他竭尽全力保全他的名声。

show honor to sb. 对某人表示敬意。

she is an honor to our school. 她是我们学校的光荣。

it is a great honor to receive that prize. 能得到那个奖是天大的荣耀。

would you honor us by visiting us/with a visit? (we would be honored if you would visit us.)光临寒舍,深感荣幸。

do a person honor= do honor to a person对某人表示敬意。

h**e the honor of doing sth. /to do sth. 荣幸地做某事。

in honor of为向……表示敬意,为纪念……,为祝贺……

3、replace vt.放回,置于原处;代替,取代。

all books must be replaced on the shelves. 所有的书必须放回到书架上。

can anything replace a mother's love and care? 什么东西能取代母亲的爱和关怀呢?

the shopkeeper said he would replace the radio if we were not satisfied. 店主说要是我们不满意,他会调换那台收音机的。

i'll replace the cup i broke. 我将赔偿我打破的杯子。

4、interview n.面试;会见;采访 vt.会见,接见;采访。

he is preparing for tomorrow's interview. 他正在为明天的面试做准备。

a tv reporter interviewed the headmaster about the school. 一名电视台记者就学校的教育问题采访了校长。

5、charge v.&n.使充满;使承担;指控;收费;要价;

be in charge of负责……

be in the charge of由……负责。

charge a battery为蓄电池充电。

charge oneself with a task承担一项任务。

charge sb. to do sth.责令某人做某事。

be charged with murder被指控**。

charge sb. some money for因……向某人要价……

if the red light comes on, it means the battery isn't charged. 如果红灯亮,就表示电池没有充电。

they charged me 80 pound for a room for a night. 一间房住一个晚上他们收我80镑。


一 高频词。accept 接受,认可 vt.同意,承认 viadapt 使适应 改编。add 增加,添加 vt.加起来,增添vi.补充说 vt.amount 数量 n.等于,共计 vi.与to连用 argue 争论,辩论 vi.主张,说理,说服 vtaward 奖,奖品 n.授奖,给予 金钱 v.b...




本词汇表以教育部颁发的普通高中英语课程标准 实验 词汇表和话题项目表为依据,新增词汇均以 标出。本词汇表不列词组和短语。可根据构词法推导出的副词 名词等不列出。数字 星期 月份等词不列出。1.abandonv.放弃,遗弃。2.abnormala.反常的,不正常的。3.aboardprep.adv.搭...