
发布 2020-01-04 10:09:28 阅读 3120

accept as承认是;接受为。

please accept this as a souvenir for our friendship.


his teachings is accept as oracle by the older generation.


account for 解释,说明。

how do you account for the difference between them?


he could not account for his absence from classes.


accuse sb. of sth. 控告(某人某事)

achieve one's aim实现目标。

however, if everyone is convinced of the value of sports, we should work together as one to help achieve this aim.


adapt oneself to 使自己适应于

address oneself to 从事于;忙着做,着手 amount to 总共达到;实际上是 answer for 对…负责任 apply oneself to 致力于 approve of赞同;赞许argue with sb. about sth 因…和某人争执 assist in doing sth. 协助某人做。

associate...with...使发生联系;使联合assure sb. of sth. 使(某人)确信(某事)

attach importance to 认为重要back up 支持be absorbed in 专心致力于…

be accustomed to 习惯于 be addicted to 沉溺于;使吸毒成瘾

be beneficial to 有利于,有益于 be better off 境况富裕;更富有

be bound to 一定会…,必然… be burdened with ..使负重担

be capable of 有做出(某事)倾向的 be careful with 对…小心/认真

be caught in (a rain; a traffic jam; the earthquake) 偶然遇上(雨,堵塞,**等)be composed of 由…组成 be concerned with 关心,挂念;从事于be crazy about对…着迷 be cross with sb. at sth. 因某事和。

发脾气be curious about 对…感到好奇 be deaf to sth. 对…充耳不闻

be determined to do sth 决意/ 决心做某事 be eager for sth. 渴求某事物

be fed up with 对…感到厌烦,腻了 be jealous of sb嫉妒某人

be keen on 喜爱,渴望 be located in 位于…,坐落在…

be marked with 被标上…记号 be occupied in 忙于…,正从事…

be strict with sb. in sth. 对…要求严格 break up 驱散,学校的放学 burst into tears突然哭起来call off 取消(计划,比赛) carry / do / make an experiment做实验

carry on 继续,坚持下去;从事,经营 carry out 进行到底,贯彻执行

catch sight of 发现,看到,突然看见 clear up 解释,澄清;整理,收拾;天气变晴

come across 偶然发现,偶然遇到 come into effect 开始生效,开始实行

come into operation 施行生效;开始工作 come out 出现,显露;出版,发表;结果是

comment on 评论,批评,解释 compete for 为……而竞争

congratulate sb. on sth. 祝贺某人 contribute to 有助于…,促成

count on 依靠,指望 cross out 删去,取消 cut short 中断,打断

deliver a speech发表(演说等) devote oneself to 献身于;致力于。

英语 2019高考重点词组必背

2010高考英语重点词组必背。accept as承认是 接受为 account for 解释,说明。accuse sb.of sth.控告 某人某事 achieve one s aim实现目标 adapt oneself to 使自己适应于 address oneself to 从事于 忙着做,着手...


学英语必背重点短语习语 2014.7 a1.离弃,遗弃,抛弃,放弃。2.陷入,沉湎于 某种情感。3.上船 飞机 车。4.请大家上车 或船等。5.欢迎乘坐。6.我要说的就这些。7.这到底是怎么回事。8.询问消息 怎么样,如何。9.即将 行将 正要做某事。10.不愿 无意做某事。11.最重要的是。12....


高考英语重点词组必背 achieve one s aim实现目标 argue with sb.about sth 因 和某人争执 be addicted to 沉溺于 使吸毒成瘾be careful with 对 小心 认真be caught in a rain a traffic jam the ...