
发布 2020-01-04 09:34:28 阅读 7466

1. 建议、邀请及应答。

1)建议和邀请:why not do sth.? 为什么不let’s do sth.(让咱们做。)

shall i / we do sth?(我或我们将?) will / would you like do sth?(你想要?)

how about / what about doing sth?(…怎么样?)

2)接受:good idea.(好主意that/ it sounds great.(太好了。)

that / it would be very nice.(太好了。) with pleasure.(乐意。)

i’d love / like to.(我愿意i’ll be glad to.(我愿意)

yes, please.(请吧certainly / of course / sure.(当然。)

no problem.(没问题i agree.(我同意i think so.(我认为如此。)

3)拒绝:i’m afraid i can’t / i’m afraid not.(恐怕不行i disagree.(我不同意。)

i don’t think so.(我不这么认为no, thanks.(不,谢谢。)

有时常用委婉、含蓄的答语,如i’d love / like to , but i am busy / i h**e a lot of homework to do.(我愿。


2. 请求许可及应答。

1)请求和允许:will / would you mind doing sth.? 做某事,你介意吗?)

will / would you mind not doing sth.? 别做某事,你介意吗?)

would you like to do sth.? 你想要做某事吗?)

would you like sth.? 你想要某物吗?)

can / could you please do sth.? 请你做某事,好吗?)

can / could you please (not) do sth.? 请你别做某事,好吗?)

could i do sth.? may i do sth.? 我可以做某事吗?)

please do sth. (请做某事please don’t do sth . 请别做某事。)

2)接受: with pleasure. (乐意yes, please. /go ahead. (请吧。)

i’d love to. /i like to. /i’ll be glad to. (我愿意。) no, problem. (没问题。)

yes / certainly / of course / sure / ok. (好的。) not at all. (不介意。)

certainly, i’ll do it. (当然,我将去做never mind. (不介意。)

sorry, i won’t do it again. (对不起,我将不会再去做了。)

certainly not. /of course not. (当然不介意。)

3)拒绝: you’d better not. (你最好别please don’t. (请别……)

i’m sorry i can’t.(对不起,我不能i’m afraid not.(恐怕不行。)

i’m sorry, but…(对不起,不过……)

3. 感谢及应答。

1)感谢: thank you very much. /thanks a lot. many thanks. (谢谢。)

thanks. /thank you for… (因……而感谢。)

that’s / it’s nice of you (to do sth.).你太好了。)

thank you all the same. (仍旧谢谢你。)

2)答语: you’re welcome. /that’s all right.

/my pleasure / it’s a pleasure. /it was a pleasure./

don’t mention it. (不用谢。)

另外,在交际中应注意中西方文化的差异:1、在西方文化中当对方对自己所送的礼物表示感谢时,一般用i’m glad you like it(我很高兴你喜欢它)来回答;2、在西方文化中当客人对主人所招待的宴席表示感谢时,一般用i’m glad you enjoy (enjoyed) it(我很高兴你享受它)/ you’re welcome(你是受欢迎的)来回答,所以切忌按照中国的模式去套用。

4. 祝贺、祝愿及应答。

1)祝贺和祝愿:h**e a good time / enjoy oneself / h**e fun. (过得愉快。)

happy new year. (新年快乐good luck to sb. (祝某人好运。)

well done.(干得好congratulations to sb. (祝贺某人)

best wishes to you. (向对方致以良好的祝愿。)

i hope everything goes well. /all the best with you. /wish you all the success. (祝万事如意。)

2)答语:thanks / thank you.(谢谢you, too. /the same to you.(你也一样。)

5. 同情、遗憾和安慰。

1)同情和遗憾:what a pity. /it’s a pity. (真遗憾、真可惜。)

i’m sorry to hear that. (听到此消息,我很难过。)

bad luck. /that’s too bad. (倒霉、坏运气。)

2)安慰:take it easy. /take your time. /don’t worry, everything will be ok.


6. 同意和不同意。

1)同意:i agree. (我同意i think so. (我认为这样。) i hope so. (我希望这样。)

i’m afraid so. (恐怕如此。) good idea. (好主意all right. (好吧)

no problem. (没问题。) that/ it sounds great.(太好了。)

2)不同意:i disagree.(我不同意i don’t think so. (我不认为这样。)

i hope not. (我不希望这样。) certainly not. /of course not.(当然不。)

i’m afraid not. /i’m afraid i can’t. (恐怕不是如此的。) that’s a deal. (就这么决定了。)

7. 道歉及应答。

1)道歉:i’m sorry. /sorry.(对不起i’m sorry to trouble you.(对不起打扰了。)

excuse me, please.(打扰一下i’m sorry for doing sth.(因做某事而对不起。)

2)答语: that’s ok. /that’s all right. /it’s nothing. /that’s nothing. (没关系。)

forget it. /never mind. /it doesn’t matter. /not at tall. (别介意。)

8. 称赞、表扬及应答。

由于中西方文化习俗的差异,在得到称赞、表扬时中国人通常用“自谦”类的词语来答谢别人对自己的赞美,而西方人在受到别人的称赞和表扬时一般用thank you回答,以示礼貌和自信。

9. 询问外貌特征、性格特征及答语。


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