
发布 2020-01-04 06:00:28 阅读 8180

1. 一张我的全家 a photo of my family/my family photo

2. 向某人要某物ask sb. for sth

3. 一串钥匙a set of keys

4. 快点儿come on , hurry up

5. 给某人打某号码 call sb at

6. 给某人发某电子邮件 e-mail sb. at

7. 请原谅,劳驾excuse me

8. 请原谅(能再说一遍吗) pardon me

9. 名字first name

10. 姓last name

11. 在中国in china

12. 用英语in english

13. 在图书馆in the library

14. 在下一张**中 in the next photo

15. 学生证,身份证 an id card

16. 失物招领lost and found

17. 初中middle school , junior high school

18. 高中 high school , senior high school

19. **号码telephone number , phone number

20. 在学校at school

21. 课后after class

22. 一双a pair of

23. 询问某人关于某事 ask sb. about sth

24. 艺术节art festival

25. 给某人买某东西 buy ,buy sth for sb

26. 忙于某事be busy with

27. 忙于做某事be busy doing

28. 图书展销book sale

29. 一场篮球比赛a basketball game/match

30. 生日晚宴birthday dinner

31. 服装店a clothing store , a clothes store

32. 饮食习惯eating habits

33. 做完某事finish doing

34. 水果沙拉fruit salad

35. 多吃蔬菜eat more vegetables

36. 少吃肉eat less meat

37. 多做运动do more exercise

38. 少开车drive less,drive fewer cars

39. 保持健康的生活方式 keep a healthy lifestyle

40. 为英语测验而学习 study for an english test

41. 确定,无疑for sure

42. 从。到from ..to

43. 在同一所学校上学go to the same school/ study in the same school

44. 健康食品healthy food

45. 保持健康keep healthy

46. 很健康be in good health

47. 看起来好看look nice

48. 做运动do exercise ,do sports ,play sports

49. 做练习do exercises

50. 做早操do morning exercises

51. 做眼保健操do eye exercises

52. 善待某人treat sb. nicely

53. 打篮球play basketball

54. 弹钢琴play the piano

55. 玩电脑游戏 play computer games

56. 玩火play with fire

57. 一个篮球运动员 a basketball player

58. 电视剧tv play

59. 跑步明星a running star

60. 体育明星a sports star

61. 一个运动包a sports bag

62. 你最喜欢什么运动 what’s your f**orite sport

63. 去某地旅行 go on a trip to/h**e a trip to /tr**el to

64. 考虑做某事 consider doing sth. /think about doing sth.

65. 看电视watch tv

66. 害怕做某事 be afraid of doing /be afraid to do /fear to do

67. 在。。。和。。。之间 between a and b

68. 擅长于做某事 be good at doing

69. 上班迟到be late for work

70. 实现,成为现实(my dream will )come true/achieve one’s dream

71. 要么,要么;或者,或者either...or ..

72. 穿上衣服get dressed

73. 许多 lots of ,plenty of , many ,a number of ,much

74. 和某人) 结交朋友 make friends with

75. 在周末on weekends ,at the weekend

76. 拉小提琴play the violin

77. 下国际象棋play chess

78. 给某人看某物 show sb. sth. show sth .to sb.

79. 出现show up

80. 带领某人参观 show sb. around

81. 炫耀show off

82. 在展览on show ,on display

83. 散步take a walk , go for a walk

84. 乘地铁 take the subway ,by subway

85. 讲故事tell stories

86. 尝起来很好 taste good

87. 认为,想起 think of

88. 跟。说talk with

89. 谈论talk about

90. 跟某人谈论某事 talk with sb about sth

91. 处于极大危险之中 be in great danger

92. 把某物带给某人 take sth to sb.


一 接不定式 而不接动名词 作宾语的24个常用动词。afford to do sth.担负得起做某事。agree to do sth.赞同做某事。arrange to do sth.布置做某事。ask to do sth.要求做某事。beg to do sth.恳求做某事。care to do st...


一 接不定式 而不接动名词 作宾语的24个常用动词。afford to do sth.担负得起做某事。agree to do sth.赞同做某事。arrange to do sth.布置做某事。ask to do sth.要求做某事。beg to do sth.恳求做某事。care to do st...


be important to sb.对某人重要 electrical appliance 电器 electric kettle 电水壶。public transport 公共交通 as well 也 link up sth with sth 把 和 连接起来 run through 穿过 be m...